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This site is dedicated to our son, Zachary James Peters

Zack was born on April 19, 1998 at 4:11pm at Mount Carmel Medical Center. (This was quite unexpected as he was not due until May 25, 1998.) He weighed 5 lbs and 10 oz, was 18 1/2 inches long, with soft brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

Zack was born in April instead of May because I had a condition called "Complete Placental Abruption." His placenta had ruptured away from my uterus and he was without oxygen for an unknown amount of time. He was with us for 5 short days, but make a lifelong inpression on everyone whom he touched.

Thank you so much for stopping by!! I will be updating this site often and adding new things as I learn how.

Meet Cassie and Nick and learn more about Zack and the rest of our family.

Click on the name of the page to take you there