Last Walk Of Fall
How can there be words to convey
About a
walk through the park on a lovely fall day?
The laughter and campfire smoke filling the air
There could be nothing better anywhere.
Hotdogs and marshmallows roasted over an open flame
Makes you want to do everything all over again.
People walking by with smiles as they pass,
How can one make this fabulous day last?

Dry leaves swirling and falling down
Make a crunching noise as we walk around.
A walk on a path to a bench we call ours
Where we take in the view for hours and hours.

At the top of a hill, at the end of the day
With others we wait for the sunset display.
Colors collide as the clouds float by,
And the majesty of it puts a tear in one's eye.

The oh's, and the ah's, as the sun slips out of sight
Makes one thankful for being alive on this night.
It is time to depart, though we would like to stay,
What a perfect ending to a wonderful day.
~"Last Walk Of Fall" by 'P. L. B.'~