<BGSOUND SRC="/knight_player_web/Happy-02.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to Knight Roger's  Web Site
Welcome to my little piece of the Internet.  I have a variety of interest -- Gin, chess, computer games, hiking, walking, reading, internet, science fiction, science fact, cartoons, music, going to movies, the usual stuff.  I program computers for a living.  Hence the picture above.
Here are some web pages in my site I hope you enjoy them.  This site is under constrution - It is a continuing project.  It may not be much but what do you expect.
Personal Info - Pictures and so forth
Knights - Moving graphics - Enjoy
Space - Moving graphics - Enjoy
Angels - Moving graphics - Enjoy
Dinosaurs - Moving graphics - Enjoy
Games - Some Games - Enjoy
Link To My Other Web Site
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