Gordon, PA
Prior to 1902, Catholics in Gordon attended Church at St. Joseph's, Ashland, PA.
Mass was occasionally said in the home of Michael Sullivan, located to the right
of the present Church, who later donated the land on which the Church now stands.
In June of 1902, local Catholics leased the band hall on Hobart Street and fitted
it for services.
In the Summer of 1903, due to a coal strike, men began to use their time to haul the
native stone from the surrounding hills and abandoned Gordon Plane and dug a
foundation for the Church. In 1905 a corner stone was laid, and in October, 1906
the Church was dedicated to Our Lady of Good Counsel by Bishop Prendergast,
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia.
The Church remained a Mission from Ashland and was in the Care of Fr. Hugh McGettigan
until 1913. From 1913 to 1922, Fr. Daniel McGinley was placed in charge of the
congregation. In June of 1922, Cardinal Dougherty, Archbishop of Philadelphia
established Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish and named Fr. John Borgan as first
Pastor. Father Brogan immediately began construction of the Rectory.
On October 8, 1931 the Church was repaired and renovated to celebrate the 25th
anniversary with a special Mass.
On August 23, 1933 Rev. Cornelious Burke, a native of Ashland was named Pastor.
On June 4, 1937, Rev. Vincent Moran became Pastor, and served until 1955. Rev.
Raymond C. Manning took up the Pastorate then, and was present for the 50th
anniversary celebration in December of that year. During Fr. Manning's pastorate
the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima was constructed and dedicated on May 11, 1958.
On November 5, 1958 Rev. Francis C. Bonner, a native of Seek, Pa was named Pastor.
Father served the parish until ill health made it necessary for an Administrator
to be appointed. Father George Jani served in that capacity in June and July
of 1969. Sadly, Father Bonner who had given so much of himself to the parish,
died on May 27, 1969 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Hazelton.
Fr. William Mooney, a native of Philadelplhia, was named pastor in 1969, and served
actively until illness forced him into retirement at the Holy Family Manor with
Pastor Emeritus status until his recent death. In December of 1972, Fr. Thomas
Bender was named Pastor. During Fr. Bender's years of service, the Church,
needing much restoring and repair due to water damage, was redecorated by noted
church decorator Walter Boettcher. New carpet was installed. New Sanctuary
furniture, given in memory of the deceased members of a parish family, as well
as an Allen Digital Computer Organ and new doors also given as memorials by
parishioners were installed. In the Spring of 1980, committees were formed to begin
planning the 75th anniversary with emphasis on Spiritual Renewal. The
Anniversary Mass was celebrated on October 19, 1980 by Bishop Joseph McShea of
Allentown. A dinner dance, with members of the Gordon community attending was hel
in the Municipal Building.
In 1982 Fr. Bender was succeeded by Rev. Stephen T. Forish. Advent of that year
marked several new programs. In preparation for the celebration of Christmas,
members of all ages of the Chruch went on a Greens Hike, the end result being
garlands of greenery to decorate the Chruch. The Parish Appreciation Social
was begun as a way to thank all parishioners for their work, support, and parti-
cipation in the life of the parish. Adult Enrichment programs were begun as well
as a choir. The CCD program was enlarged with the addition of five teachers,
Fr. Forish teaching Junior and Senior High School students.
In October 1987 a new Altar, rood screen and torches were donated by Mr. Joseph
Hughes, Heckersville in memory of his sister Katie. A Parish Renewal Program was
initiated to supply the means to restore the stained glass windows and up-
grade the heating system. In 1985-86, the Chruch hall was refurbished. An
antique brass cover for the Tabernacle was added to the Church after much
careful cleaning and restoration work.
On June 2, 1991 the parishioners of Our Lady of Good Counsel parish learned of
the re-assignment of Father Forish to Allentown, where he will contiue his work
with the Pro Life Office, and pursue his academic studies. On June 14, 1991
we welcomed to Gordon, Reverend Thomas Horan who is coming from his assignment in
Lost Creek. We wish them God speed and God's blessings.
*** taken from the 100th anniversary booklet 1991 (permission to use excerpts given to this webmaster from Father Floyd Cesear, 1999)
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