In 1853, preachers of the Catawissa Circuit, J.W. Elliot and R.M. Slusser had preaching appointments in Ashland. On May 24 of the same year, a class was formed there with William Davis as the Leader and sixteen members. The place of meeting was what is known as the Stone School House.
In 1859, the membership of the church had increased to 96, and a church edifice had been built. The members now desired that the Ashland Methodist Church be made a station appointment, which was according done when the 1859 session of the East Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church was held in Williamsport and presided over by Bishop Levi Scott and the Rev. Samuel Wesle Sears was appointed to the Charge for the years 1859-1860.
In 1855, during the pastorate of the Rev. J.Y Rothrock and the Rev. M.L. Drum, the society erected a neat frame church edifice. One story high on the corner of Ninth and Brock Street. It was dedicated in October 1856, by the Rev. Thomas Bowman, later a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The cost of this building, $1,500
was fully provided for on the day of dedication.
In June, 1863, the "Church on the Hill" was sold to the Evangelical Association and the Trustees bought two lots on the northwest corner of Centre and Eleventh streets, where they erected a new building. It was a brick structure, tow stories high, 65 feet deep and 40 feet wide. The corner stone was laid in the summer of 1863 by the
Rev. M.P. Crostwaite and the basement was dedicated to Bishop Levi Scott in January 1864. The audience room completed in the Autumn of 1865 and dedicated by the Rev. Aquilla A. Reese of Baltimore and others.
The cost of the lot and building was $8,000. The membership at this time numbered 260.
In 1853, the first Sunday School was organized, as a Union School, by Methodists, Presbyterians and Lutherans, meeting in the Stone School House previously mentioned. Abel G. Swift was the first Superintendent: he was assisted by Jeremiah Logan and wife, Willliam Davis, Eliza Davis and Jacob G. Gensel as teachers with about 40 scholars.
In 1857 it was changed to a purely Methodist School and Samuel Camp and appointed Superintendent. The Methodist Episcopal School numbered 125 officers, teachers and scholars. The Superintenden t, Charles M. Barnard became a scholar in 1855.
and was pointed a teacher at 14 years of age, was elected Superintendent at 19, sersved about 2 years, then became a teacher again, ans was again elected Superintendent again for nine years or more.
In 1866 a belfry and tower were added to the church and a bell weighing 1,000 pounds wasa put in position. In 1873, the seats in the audience room were remodeled, the from was frescoed, the whole inside and outside was painted,
a carpet put down the basement papered, a new organ was procured also a parsonage, costing $3,500 was built. It is of brick, 25 feet wide, 48 feet deep, two stories high, with a slate roof. A meat iron fence was put around the church and parsonage and a substantial brick pavement was laid on
Eleventh street: all costing $6,000. The Society was incorporated in 1879. In July, 1880, the members of the Sunday School took upon themselves the work of remodeling the basement in which they met, at a cost of $185.00 which amount was all subscribed before or on the day of reopening, Sunday, Aug. 1, 1880.
*** Used with permission from the published works of Phillip Rice & Jean Dellock "Schuylkill Roots" (with permission given to this and only this webmaster,1999).
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