The area which is now known as Gordon was deeded to James and David McKnight of
Reading by means of a pact they referred to in early deed books as the "Camden
Treete". John Kunkle, seeing the beauty of the valley, received a warranty of a
parcel from the McKnights on March 24, 1788 and on April 19, 1795. In 1847 Colonel
John E. Wynkoop settled in the extreme eastern section of what was then Butler
Township and named it Perote after the last battle in which he fought in the Mexican
War. John and Henrietta Wynkoop built a home that year, and although the home was
demolished in 1960, the remains of the foundation and plantings can still be
viewed at the corner of the property at 515 East Biddle Street. The home now
standing at the location was built in 1857 and was also deeded to the Wynkoops.
In the town of Gordon, named for Judge Gordon of Reading, the first real estate
transaction recorded was between Judge Gordon (who had been give the property by
the McKnights) and Mrs. J.F. Lewis. This building later became the Post Office
at Biddle and McKnight Streets. It is now used as an apartment building.
In 1846 William Stevenson brought small industry to the area when he erected a
street saw mill in an area known then as Mt. Hope. Main Street became the focus
for growth. Homes were built along the broad avenue, which was, at the time, the
only cleared and established roadway. One of the earliest homes remaining is
located at 202 East Biddle, the home of the Hoffman Family, built in 1850.
To the east in Perote were built several buildings, a tavern by Mr. Meyers, a
hotel by Andrew Wilson, a barn used by Mr. Seitzinger and many houses.
After the Civil War, Main street was renamed Biddle Street after Nicholas Biddle
the first man to shed blood in that War. Hobart and McKnight streets were not
cleared until several years later, when the job was undertaken by workmen hired
by Mrs. Troutman and another woman, who supplied the financing of the labor
and the equipment needed. It is reported that these women even took up their hatchets
and saws to help. A second steam mill was then built on property behind McKnight
In the spring of 1891, Gordon, wanting to handle their own affairs, petitioned
the Courts of Schuylkill Co. to become a separate Borough.
The first school house was built in the east end of town on land donated for that
purpose by Andrew Wilson of Perote. This one room building was erected about 1847
and was located where the home at 503 East Biddle Street now stands. As the
towns's poopulation increased, a two room school was needed and built in 1858.
It was located closer to the center of town, in the vicinity of the present
Lutheran Church on Biddle Street.
The first improvements made to Gordon as a Borough were to streets and roads,
and a bridge at the intersection of Biddle and Hobart streets was replaced by
a culvert. In 1909 the Municipal Gas Plant supplied street and house lighting.
The street lights were lit by the town lamplighter one by one and were allowed
to burn until eleven o'clock p.m. If the night had an especially bright moon-
light, however, the lamps remained unlit. In 1912, the first gas pump was installed
in front of Hubler's Drug Store. The first automobile owned by a Gordon resident
did not arrive until Burd Kaufman bought his car in 1914.
A monument dedicated to Gordon's Warld War I veterans was erected in 1920. The
cannon mounted upon a concrete base was obtained through the U.S. War Department,
Office of the Chief of Ordinance, Washington. Regrettably the Monument had
to be dismantled when the street became a portion of the State road system.
In the early years of Gordon's development, all babies born in town and their
mothers were attended by a woman known as "Granny Weiss". Following Mrs. Weiss,
Dr. McGibben opened his practice on West Biddle St. in a home that came to be owned
by the Sullivan Family. A new doctor by the name of Beach came in Dr. McGibben's
place in 1893 and continued ministering to the needs of the town until 1902, at
which time Dr. Darlington came and settled into his home and practice located
at 194 McKnight Street. A Dr. McCutchin began his practice here in the year
1911. Dr. Fisher began his practice in 1919. Following Dr. Fisher was Dr. W. T.
Fedko on March 13, 1930 and served the people of Gordon until his death. In
1959 Dr. Richard Feudale began seeing patients at 419 McKnight Street.
Although time has taken it's toll on portions of Gordon and its people we have
in a sense, remained intact. We cannot predict the future, but we can continue
to hope that little towns such as ours will ever be a part of the American
Landscape. As the world becomes smaller, places with a long history of being
"Home" will truly be national treasures.
***Excerpts from a booklet put together for the 100th anniversary of Gordon,
1991.(Compiled by this webmaster 5-99)
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