Meets Mondays 5:45 p.m.
The Ramada Inn, S. Atherton Street
We have 60 members
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis defining statement, adopted October 2004 | |
Pennsylvania Districts of Kiwanis International | Pennsylvania Division 11e of Kiwanis International |
Penn State Circle
K Club Centre Division Pennsylvania Circle K |
State College High School KEY CLUB |
Kiwanis International | |
Contact our Secretary - Edwin Strong |
State College Kiwanis Past Presidents, Feb 2009
Back Row: D. Cross, M. Roeckel, P. Mackes, J. Starling, W. Babcock, C. Snyder, C. Howes, H. Narducci, & E. Strong
Front Row:B. Van Horn, W. Nichols, A. Graves, E. Bergman, K. Matason, M. Deppen & G. Strong
Program Chairperson - Steve Spencer-call 814-237-3298 for information about programs .
Please plan to invite friends…neighbors…and colleagues to be these meetings.
Our goal and purpose is to increase community awareness of our organization and encourage new memberships.
January 26: Basketball players recognition.
Monday…Feb. 2
Dr. John Bellanti…--.
Certified Life Coach (CLC)
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
“Changing from growing old to older and growing a paradigm shift for the 21st. Century “
Monday…March 2
Mike Aumiller --
Pa. State Police (retired)-
forensic expert
Pancake Day, March 21, 2009 (Spring event)- $5.00 adult, $3.00 children, Tickets at the door of the Grace Lutheran Church Social Hall, Beaver and Garner Sts. State College, PA; 
No meeting March 30 - Ramada Inn not available
Monday…April 6
Dr. Richard DeEugenio--
Director, Governmental Affairs Office
Centre County Special Olympics, April event, location - State College High School track
Monday…May 4
Colonel Andrew F. Mazzara, (USMC), retired --
Nonlethal technologies and national security
Day of Prayer held in May
May 25 - No meeting - Memorial Day
Pennsylvania Special Olympics - Swimming and Track and Field Events - Penn State Campus
July 6 - No Meeting - 4th of July Holiday Weekend
Blueberry Sale -- July 7, 2009 is the pick-up date - call the hotline at 814-861-2822 to order your blueberries, $25.00 for a 10 lb. box. Pick up your order at Snider Ag Arena, University Park. Pay with cash or check when you pick the blueberries up. (No orders will be taken after July 1, 2009)
January - Miniature Golf at the Comfort Suites , 18 holes- The last weekend in January - Fun for the whole family. The course has been specially constructed to fit the Comfort Suites. The first hole uses the elevator and the last hole uses the swimming pool.
March - Pancake Day, (March 21, 2009)- $5.00 adult, $3.00 children, Tickets at the door of the Grace Lutheran Church Social Hall, Beaver and Garner Sts. State College, PA; 
April - Centre County Special Olympics, location - State College High School track
May - Community Service Awards to Groups or Individuals who work with young children. (May)
May - Day of Prayer
May - No meeting - Memorial Day Monday
June Pennsylvania Special Olympics - Swimming and Track and Field Events - Penn State Campus
July 6 - No Meeting - 4th of July Holiday Weekend
Blueberry Sale -- July 7, 2009 is the pick-up date - call the hotline at 814-861-2822 to order your blueberries, $25.00 for a 10 lb. box. Pick up your order at Snider Ag Arena, University Park. Pay with cash or check when you pick the blueberries up. (No orders will be taken after July 1, 2009)
August Ag Progress Days dinner will be held August 19 in cooperation with the State College Rotary Club.
August or September - AMBA dates - Dates to be announced for 2009, 6:00 to 10:00 am., $5.00 to the Kiwanis Club, other fees paid to Medical team
Rose Sale - Order by October 1, 2009. Buy roses by the dozen for your favorite people, $15.00 per dozen The roses will be delivered The third week in October.
Festival of the Trees, Dec 4-6, 2009 - Kiwanis will sponsor a tree.
December Holiday Party - an Interclub event - Dec 15, 2009
Mid-Winter Convention, Hershey Motor Lodge and Convention Center March 6-8, 2009
Holiday Basketball Tournament at the State College High School, usually held the 29th and 30th of December. Glenn Fleming, Chairperson assisted by Ernest Bergman./
Chairperson - Steve Spencer-call 814-237-3298 for information about programs
This page updated 2-24-09 by member webmaster Jane Wettstone
AKtion Club
Circle K
Holiday Basketball Tournament
World Day Of Prayer
International Understanding
Iodine Deficiency Disorder
Young Children - Priority One
Skate Park - our club has sponsored a ramp at this skate park that serves the youth of our area.
The Rock at Shaner Baseball Park - installed by our club makes a great place to meet and greet friends when you attend ball games at this park that serves youth from a wide area.
Special Olympics - our club members volunteer at two Special Olympic events each year. The county track and field event held at the State College High School Track and the State Special Olympics held at the Penn State facilities for swimming and track.
Community Services
Youth Services Sponsored Youth
Key Club
Farm-City Program
Rose Day Sale
Pancake Festival
Day of Caring
State College news and