The Nelsons Genealogy Page

My ancestors came from Denmark, Ukraine and Austria.
This site is about the branch of my family who immigrated from Denmark.
In all, less than 300,000 Danes emmigrated to the United States,
but have left their mark across the country, in places such as: My Grandparents

  • Racine,Wisconsin
    home of the June Scandanavian festival
    and the locally famous O & H Bakery
  • Denmark, Wisconsin
    Where a nice "Velkommen" sign greets visitors
  • Solvang, Cailfornia
    A spot where many danish cultural events take place
  • Elk Horn, Iowa
    Home of the Danish Immigrant Museum

Our site contains a total of 12 pages.
Please visit the remainder of the site

As every page has links, here's a few of my favorite danish links:

  • Danmarks Radio Online
    Todays news from Denmark, in Danish
  • Elk Horn, Iowa's Danish Immigrant Museum
    The history of the Danish immigration and gift shops
  • DIS-Danmark
    Danish Genealogy Pages in English and Danish

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