Contemplative Outreach
of St. Louis News

Committed to be "Keepers of the Vision"


Renee Bennett and Diane Guerra, Newsletter Editor


Did you miss our holy Epiphany Mass as much as we did?  The snow was beautiful, but not beautiful for travel!  We thank God for the wisdom to cancel the Mass when we did....and accept graciously His reasons for what happens.

One thing we will have to postpone: our formal show of appreciation to Susan Komis for five devoted, productive years of service to Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis.  She is not leaving us orphans, however.  Susan will stay with us as a national faculty member, chair of the national committee, and as mentor and soul-friend.  Like Mary of Bethany, she has broken the "alabaster jar" and poured out the ointment of her self over this organization.  We thank her for her great love.  We also thank Father Carl Arico, who had prepared a beautiful ceremony for us, and Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler, who also had planned to attend.

The installation ceremony planned for the Epiphany has been rescheduled for our 10th Anniversary Celebration on Sat. June 12. Please plan to attend.  This will be a fun, joyous, inspiring day.

In this transition period, we'd like to reconsider our reasons for belonging to Contemplative Outreach.  This vision statement from Contemplative Outreach of San Diego states it well:

Whether we are consoled in moments of deep prayer as we rest in God, or persevere in the many day to day jobs within the ministry, we look to our vision to keep us going.  We find the energy to do our work from our daily practice of centering prayer, from our fellowship in community, and from our recognition of the importance of our work. With the help of the Spirit may we be faithful "keepers of the vision" and committed to the world which lies ahead.

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Returning the Gifts We've Been Given

"The gift you have received, give as a gift."

You may not know that our ministry is totally supported by you, our devoted friends.  We do not receive assistance from any other source. Once a year, we ask for a gift from you to pay expenses such as printing and mailing of this newsletter, office supplies and telephone service. Through your gift, you have a personal share in the work of Contemplative Outreach.  The core of our work is our daily centering prayer; from that emanates our service.

Giving and receiving is a circular path, and what we give is returned to us ten fold!  If Contemplative Outreach has offered a helping hand on your spiritual journey, please consider returning the gift. Gifts are not always monetary....we need your time and talent in several areas: help with book sales; office work; publicity; graphic design; and our 10th anniversary celebration in June.  We'd love a used copier!  Also, please be on the lookout for reasonably priced facilities for our programs, preferably with good parking and a central location! As always, thank you for your prayers, loving support and faithfulness to our ministry.

Please send your contributions to the following address:

Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis
11939 Manchester Road #402
St. Louis MO 63131

Facilitator Formation Set for April

A series of formation programs for current (and future) facilitators and Centering Prayer support group members will again be held in the Alumni Room of Chaminade High School, 425 Lindbergh.

These popular programs allow facilitators and prayer group members to pray together, faith share, bond as a community and enhance their facilitation skills.

The first meetings is scheduled for Thursday, April 8.  Gathering is at 5:45 p.m. with centering prayer at 6 PM.  Refreshments will be served.  The first session will focus on the practice of "attention/intention".  Future topics include the "sacred word and the sacred gaze" and other issues pertinent to group dynamics.  Diane Guerra and Renee Bennett will facilitate the series.

Future sessions are scheduled for Thurs. July 15 and Thurs. Oct. 14.  Please register for the first session by calling 918-8288 no later than April 5th.

The Daily Practice of Centering Prayer
Bill Clendenin

"I have been pretty faithful in finding time daily to do my Contemplative Prayer. I had decided that I wanted to make this practice a centering point of my life. I have been amazed so far at the difference that I find in my feelings and my overall outlook. I find that I am peaceful and calm throughout the day. I am able to exist more in the moment and see a vitalness and beauty of simple experience that I was too busy to notice before. I am developing an increased tolerance and even enhanced love for myself
and for the others who I daily encounter.
I laugh more; I am less serious and much less critical.
I look forward to my meditations and often while
doing my prayer I find a peace, lightness, and nurturing comfort
(and this will sound crazy) as though I am being suckled... and fed.
Before, I never had the time to do this practice.
I was too busy running here and there.
I had known for quite a while that I really
wasn't going anywhere with all that activity.
I wanted Comtemplative Prayer to be the brake
that would help me to alter the focus of my life.
I am experiencing a Peace that transcends any that I have
known. It is truly beautiful, a blessing.
I am grateful to Contemplative Outreach
for helping me to learn this way of touching into God."

Ready for Living Flame I

If you've viewed Father Keating's video series, regularly practice centering prayer and have attended an Introductory Workshop, you may be interested in Living Flame I, the first year of the national level formation course.  National faculty members facilitate seven Saturday meetings on such topics as co dependency, Lectio Divina, emotional programs for happiness, and the divine therapy.  This program will greatly deepen your spiritual journey!

We will offer Living Flame I in the spring if we receive enough interested.  If you are interested:
Email: Renee at or Diane Guerra at

Living Flame III Starts in March

Living Flame III, the third year of the national formation program,
will begin in 1999 at a new location:
St. Anthony's Health Center.

This program is scheduled for the following Saturdays:

Mar. 6     
Session I "The Monastic Heritage" facilitated by Monica Freeman

Apr. 17   
Session II "An Overview of the Apophatic Tradition and the Monastic Heritage"
facilitated by Renee Bennett

May 1
Session III "The Cloud of Unknowing" facilitated by Renee Bennett
May 22
Session IV "St. John of the Cross, St. Therese of Lisieux" facilitated by Susan Komis
Sept. 11  
Session V "Jean-Pierre de Caussade" facilitated by Diane Guerra
Oct. 9      
Session VI "Interreligious Dialogue" (facilitator to be announced)
Nov. 12-14

Closing Retreat  "The Interior Castle" facilitated by Monica Freeman and Susan Komis

Over 40 members of the Living Flame II program chose to continue with Living Flame III.  Further information will be sent to members prior to the first session.

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