Parents who agree to participate in this study will be provided with all the materials associated with Family Designs, a simple behavior management program specifically designed to help parents more effectively manage their children's problem behavior. This innovative approach to helping parents more effectively manage their children's problem behavior was developed to offer a simple-to-use positive approach to behavior change with children. Family Designs reinforces positive behavior change through the use of simple and clearly defined steps for addressing negative, problem behavior and an easy to use structured system for consistently reinforcing positive behavior. This program can be used with all types of family structures, such as intact two-parent families, single-parent families, step-families, and blended-families, and it is NOT necessary that families have significant behavior problems in order to participate in this research and benefit from the use of the program. Family Designs uses a weekly monetary allowance to engage the child's interest and participation in the program. Some parents may not feel comfortable giving their children an allowance, in which case this program will not be suitable for them. It is our belief, however, that using an allowance within a more comprehensive behavior management program offers several advantages over existing behavior management approaches, and the program itself is structured so that no single behavior is worth a specified amount of money. The program rewards consistency of behavior and teaches children to assume personal responsibility for managing and controlling their own behavior. The allowance simply serves to get the child's interest and participation in working the program. This then allows other facets of the program to come into play, and it is these other behavior change systems that provide the force and power of the program to create behavior change with children. If you choose to participate in the research study, you will be provided, free of charge, with an Instruction Manual, all the necessary program materials, and e-mail consultation in which you will learn about the program's structure, how to maximize this underlying structure to create positive behavior change, and e-mail consultation on how to individualize the program to your child's particular behavioral issues. From defiance, to chores, to sibling arguments, to bedtimes, Family Designs was developed to address the full range of problems confronting parents. While the program provides a simple to use, overarching structure to the behavior management process, each program is individually developed to address the issues and values of each individual family. Research participation is limited to families with children ages 5-12 years old living in California. There are also certain other restrictions to research participation which may limit the eligibility of certain families. The Research Project: What Does Participation Involve Limitations and Issues in E-mail Consultation Return to Main Research Webpage