Dear Parent, Thank you for your interest in learning more about this study. This research is being conducted through Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology and is examining the use of Internet e-mail consultation in conjunction with a structured behavior program for helping parents more effectively manage their children's problem behavior. This opportunity to learn effective approaches to behavior management is being offered free of charge to parents who participate in the research. We believe that this research will be extremely valuable in helping to understand how the Internet and e-mail consultation may be used to offer professional parenting skills support to families with normal-range problems. We appreciate your interest in possibly helping us with this exciting project and we look forward to answering any questions you may have about our research and your possible participation. My name is Craig Childress, M.A. I am the principal investigator on this research project and I am the contact person for parents interested in participating in this research. I am currently a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology, and for the past several years I have conducted parenting skills seminars through the Pepperdine University Psychological and Educational Clinic and through other local community agencies. As an extension of this work, I am currently conducting this research study in association with my doctoral studies at Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology. This research examines a new model for helping parents to more effectively manage their children's problem behavior and we are seeking parents of children between the ages of 5-12 years living in the state of California who may be interested in participating in this study. Below are several links which will describe the research project in more detail. If you are interested in learning more about the research project and the opportunity which it affords for you to learn more effective parenting approaches and skills, please click on the links below: Family Designs: The Behavior Management Program The Research Project: What Does Participation Involve Limitations and Issues in E-mail Consultation
To ask questions about the research or your possible participation, please e-mail me, Craig Childress, M.A. at