Welcome to the New and Improved Muskateers Dungeon Castle

Muskateers Creed
*****************Be it Known*****************

Hello and Welcome to the ongoing "The Dungeon Capture" event in Heartland, hosted by "The Three Muskateers Committee". We've put this together in hopes of having an interactive event for the Heartland homesteaders and community leaders. Read the rules, have fun, enjoy yourself and tell your friends about the fun event for all of Heartland!

*Please read the statement towards the bottom of this page before you enter the dungeon. Thanks!

The way this is setup: A homesteader can have a Community Leader or another 'steader captured. A CL can have a homesteader or a Community Leader captured. Especially if all is in compliance with Geocities guidelines! Yes, we are going to award you for your hard work!! To receive the award you MUST be captured and survive "The Dungeon Capture"!! Once you're captured you will need to send emails to your cl and 'steader friends to be released. You can even send a "Help Me!" card from the Dungeon card shop Your name will be posted on the captured page until we receive 10 (read rules below) requests for your release. Once we've received the required emails you'll be notified of your release. Your name will then be moved from the captured page to the released page.

Remember folks this is for Heartland GeoCitizens only! If you want to participate keep in mind this is ONLY for the enjoyment of all of us! We want to award all cls and homesteaders for doing a wonderful job on your homepages and in your cl work.

*Again...please read below before you enter!

Rules for Dungeon Game</a><P>

<a href=Enter

The Captured Heartlanders

The Released Prisoners

The Wall

*Important: Please READ!!*

Information collected from entries in this contest will be used by "The Three Muskateers Committee" solely for the purposes of conducting this contest, awarding, and announcing the winners. "You must be 13 years of age or older to be eligible for this contest." This contest is sponsored solely by The Three Muskateers Committee. GeoCities is not a sponsor of this contest and is not involved with the administration of the contest or the awarding of prizes pursuant to the contest rules listed here. If you have any questions, please contact Muskateers.

Tour our Castle? Click Here!

Oh Wow Heartland Geocitizens have visited our dungeon capture. Thanks!!

Copyright ©Heartland 3 Muskateers Committee 1999
Graphics & Game Remain property of the Committee