The Lawrence (Kansas) Area Catholic
Young Adult Group

Fostering spiritual, educational, service, social and advocacy
opportunities for Lawrence Catholic adults

The Lawrence Area Young Adult Group (LACYAG) meets at the Prayer House of Divine Mercy (832 W. 21st. Street) on the first Sunday of the month at 5:30 p.m.  LACYAG also provides opportunities throughout the month for deepening faith and fellowship with other Catholic adults. For Example:

Spiritual Fellowship

LACYAG members strive to pray always and in all ways so that our relationship with GOD is the center of our relationship with ourselves and with other.  LACYAG members also gather for prayer and faith at 4:00 p.m. on Sundays afternoon at the Prayer House of the Divine Mercy, and we strive to organize and participate in two retreats through the year.

Religious Education

In his 1998 Encyclical Letter on Faith and Reason. Pope John Paul II writes that "God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth - in a word, to know himself - so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about our themselves." LACYAG members participate in the search for truth about our faith through local presenters and educational videos on Sunday evenings.

Service Opportunities

John Michael Talbot writes, "Through prayer, we store up a huge reservoir of water.  Our service is the conduit for delivering the water."  One of the major conduits that LACYAG uses for delivering water in our Diocese is our service at the Shalom House in Kansas City.  The Shalom House provides a community living opportunity for about thirty men who are trying to make a fresh start in life.  Once every two months, LACYAG members prepare and deliver a hot dinner for these men.  LACYAG members also support the Birthright Clothing Drive, and take up an occasional food drive.

Social Fellowship

"As we feel more and more comfortable with play and prayer of humble fun, of foolishness." writes Father Ed Hayes, "we might learn to die to self through humor, so as to make more room for the divine Self within is."  LACYAG members find plenty of opportunities for planned and spontaneous play, laughter, and socialization through out the month.


A popular bumper sticker reads, "If you want peace, work for justice." From the education and awareness of social issues to an active involvement in pro-life issues, we strive to work for justice in many ways.  Over the past year, LACYAG members supported KU Students for Life, volunteered at Birthright, and participated in the 1998 Lawrence Life Issues Forum.


                                                    LACYAG Homepage, Prayers, Mission Statement, Calender of Events,
                                              LACYAG Volleyball, Helpful Links, Contact Us, Map, Picutres

                                                                Please Contact Us!

                                                                 Lawrence Area Catholic Young Adult Group
                                                                        Prayer House of Divine Mercy
                                                                               832 West 21st Street
                                                                               Lawrence, KS 66046

                                                                              Phone: 785-865-5211