On Thursday, October 22, 1998, I had my 39 week appointment at 9:45am. Cecilia, my midwife, checked me and I was 2cm dilated (up only 1/2cm from last week’s appointment!) and still only 30% effaced, but she said that my cervix had definitely softened up quite a bit. So, Jeff and I finished up our baby shopping, and then went to lunch. I had been having mild contractions (like menstrual cramps) since the appointment, but I figured it was due to the internal exam. We were going to go check out a movie after lunch, but I decided I was too tired. We went home and I took a 3 hour nap. (Good thing, too, because I had only gotten 2 hours of sleep the night before!) After dinner, we went to the grocery store, where I had to stop every 12-15 minutes because of the cramping. At home, I put my daughter to bed, and Jeff and I sat and watched Paulie (cute movie, by the way!) The contractions were still coming about 12 minutes apart, but they really didn’t hurt *that* much, so I didn’t think much of it. Jeff went to bed, and I got on the Internet (of course!). I posted on a bunch of boards, and went into a pregnancy chat room. At this point, the contractions were quite a bit more uncomfortable and came about 4 minutes apart. I have always had pretty bad menstrual cramps, so I didn’t really think that I was in labor...I just figured they were the Braxton Hicks, only more intense. I told the other women in the room that I was having contractions, and they started timing them for me at around 12:30am. They were coming 4 minutes apart still, and lasting about 40 seconds long. *I still didn’t think it was really labor.* I had not had any type of bloody show at all, and as far as I knew, I had not lost one bit of my mucous plug. Besides, they didn’t hurt *that* bad. One of the girls in the room was a RN, and after timing my contractions for about 35 minutes, she convinced me to call my midwife.
So I reluctantly logged off the internet and called Ceil, and told her what was happening. She said everything sounded good, and asked how long I wanted to stay at home. She really thought I was in labor! I was still in a state of disbelief!! I mean, the contractions hurt, but like I said, I have always had pretty unbearable menstrual cramps, and that’s what they felt like, but a bit stronger, and definitely longer lasting! I woke Jeff up and told him that I had called Ceil; he kind of mumbled groggily, and I told him to go back to sleep...that I’d wake him when it was time to go to the hospital. So, I took a hot bath, and then I started cleaning the house (yes, at 2 in the morning!). I did the dishes, which must have looked quite humorous, with me crouching down every 4 minutes in pain! I was going to make Jeff some sandwiches to bring to the hospital when I just couldn’t stand for that long anymore. I went to the parlor and got on all fours and started rocking back and forth. I didn’t want to go to the hospital too early...I was afraid I would get there and only be like 4 or 5 cm dilated. That would be too frustrating. So I stuck it out at home, and let Jeff get his rest. (What a martyr! LOL)
Then the contractions started getting really strong and hard to handle. Yet, I *still* was having a hard time believing I was REALLY in labor. I had to get ahold of Jessica’s dad so that I could bring her over there, and it was almost 4am. I knew he had to get up in about 2 hours for work anyways, and was actually trying to wait it out til then! (What a freak!) But I finally realized that I wasn’t in control, and called him. Then I woke Jeff up, and told him what was going on. He didn’t remember me waking him earlier, and since I let him sleep though most of my labor, he didn’t believe it was really happening or that it was as far along as it was. He called to leave a message on his answering machine at work, and had the nerve to say, “We MIGHT be having the baby now!” I was ready to kill him already!
Now my contractions were lasting 90 seconds and coming 2 minutes apart...they were practically right on top of each other. I sat on the floor and did my best to relax through each contraction while Jeff got the car packed and got Jessica ready to go. She was so cute...she asked where we were going and I told her we were going to the hospital to have Jayden. She asked if she was coming to the hospital with us, and I told her no, that she was going to her Daddy’s to rest, and that I would call her as soon as Jayden was born. She said she wanted to come and help! Then she asked how we knew it was time to go to the hospital (at this point I was in transition, and it was difficult to have this conversation...and hard to come up with answers appropriate for a 5 year old). I told her that Jayden was pushing on Mommy’s belly.
We got in the car and Jeff noticed that we needed gas. So, we stopped at the gas station, and I had 3 contractions while we were there. It seemed like we were there FOREVER! The contractions were *very* painful, and I was trying not to show just how much pain I was in, because I didn’t want to scare Jessica. (I was also beginning to doubt very much that I could go through with the “natural childbirth” I wanted. I was *so* ready for painkillers, which made me feel pretty guilty. I didn’t realize I was already in transition, though!) I had told her during the pregnancy that it hurts to have a baby, and that it hurt when I had her, but I just didn’t want her to be scared or anything. But, the pain was too much and I couldn’t hide it *at all*. Jessica handled it sooooo well though...she said, “Mommy, it’s OK. Just try to relax!” It was so sweet.
We finally got to Marc’s house, and Jeff quickly brought her in. Then we rushed to the hospital. Jeff was obviously concerned about the pain I was in, and kept trying to rub my neck or my leg. For some reason, him touching me made the contractions harder to deal with. I kept pushing his hand away, and I could tell he was getting annoyed. But, I couldn’t help it...
We pulled into the ER parking lot, and Jeff started to unload the car. I told him to leave most of it (I really didn’t care too much aboutmy relaxing music at that point!), and I started to walk towards the door. He wanted me to wait for him, but I just couldn’t. I had an urgent NEED to get into the hospital. NOW!
So, I quickly walked into the ER, and the security guard looked at me and asked if he could help me. (Like it wasn’t TOO obvious why I was there.) I was having a contraction (they never ended, it seemed), but I managed to pant out that I was in labor. He put me in a wheelchair and started wheeling me down to Labor & Delivery. Jeff had caught up with me and was carrying all our stuff. Of course, L & D is ALL THE WAY across the hospital from the ER! GRRR! I made a mental note to complain later.
We get there, and there was this nurse who said to me in *much* too chipper of a voice, “And why are *you* here?” I looked at her in disbelief...she was serious!!!! I growled, “Because I am in LABOR!!!!” (Picture Linda Blair...) She asked me who my doctor was, and Cecilia was already standing there next to me. This nurse was taking her sweet time trying to figure out which room to assign me to!!! I swear to God I was ready to jump out of the wheelchair and strangle her!!!! Cecilia was getting annoyed too, and took charge (you go girl!). She wheeled me into a room, and I started to get undressed. She asked me for a urine sample, but even though I really felt like I had to pee, it wouldn’t come out. (I wasn’t too happy about having contractions on top of each other while squatting over a tiny cup either!)
So I waddled to the bed, and they strapped the monitors on me. Ceil did an internal and announced that I was at 7 cm and 0 station! The look on Jeff’s face was classic. He obviously couldn’t believe I was already that far dilated (frankly, neither could I, but I was so glad, and a little bit proud, too!). Ceil wanted to make sure Jayden’s head was facing down, so she had the nurse bring in an US machine. This was very uncomfortable...having an US while having contractions. After she checked it out, and after being hooked up to the monitors for all of 5 minutes, I really had to pee...NOW. So Ceil let me get up and go to the bathroom. I was *still* trying to give them that stupid urine sample (Ceil laughed at me later when she realized I was doing that!). Even though I felt like I had to go REALLY bad, it wouldn’t come out. She said it was because the baby’s head was in the way. I kept repeating, “I can’t do this, I can’t do this.” She asked if I felt like I had to push, and I told her yes. She told me to go ahead and push with the next contraction (I was still on the toilet mind you!). I was scared to, because I had read a bunch of places if you push before you are 10cm, you can make the cervix swell or tear, and I did *not* want that to happen. She assured me that with a second delivery, sometimes a good push or two is all it takes to get to 10cm. That was enough reassurance for me! I pushed through the next contraction...three pushes. She did another internal with me sitting there on the toilet! I was at 10cm! But I still had a bit of a “lip” of cervix. With the next contraction, she told me to push while she used her finger to push the lip out of the way...talk about uncomfortable. Then she told me to push again, and I did...one big one. At that point, she got kind of a panicked look on her face and said, “I see hair...GET ON THE BED NOW!” I was like, “I can’t walk...there’s a HEAD between my legs!” Now, I don’t really remember this, but from what Jeff and the nurses tell me, I immediately RAN to the bed after I said this. I guess it was a pretty funny sight! Jeff said he was getting ready to carry me to the bed (like *that* could happen), but I just took off.
So I sat down on the bed, which felt really strange with his head RIGHT THERE! I laid back and I said, “I have to push!” They quickly pulled the bottom part of the birthing bed off, and I pushed with all my might, and his head SHOT OUT!!!! With one big push! Jeff said that it shot out like a baseball. (My water burst at the same time, I guess, because it exploded EVERYWHERE.) He said that it was really neat...Jayden’s head turned around to face up after it came out, and he just kind of looked around all wide eyed! I still felt a MAJOR urge to push, and I said as much. Ceil kept saying, “Wait, don’t push!” But I was whining that I HAD to. We were practically arguing with each other! Finally she yelled, “DON’T PUSH!” I remember Jeff just kind of looked at me as if to say, “She *YELLED* at you!”, and I was kind of startled. It worked though, because I didn’t push! I guess she was afraid I was going to tear, and she needed to suction the baby. Suddenly, I felt kind of a release...it was a really weird feeling, but it felt good (well, not GOOD, but it relieved some of the pressure down there.) Ceil had worked one of his shoulders out and then slid out the rest of his body. It happened so quickly, I felt like I was outside of my body watching what was happening. She placed him on my chest, and there I was, holding my son! It was amazing! He was so beautiful and perfect and I was speechless. I couldn’t believe it was over!
Jayden was born at 5:39am, just 34 minutes after we got to the hospital. I guess next time I will know better than to wait at home so long in disbelief! (I hope!) He was 19 inches long, and weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. He has a ton of soft, brown hair and his eyes are bluish-gray, but they look like they will either be brown or green. So, I guess I was in labor almost all day, but really I am counting it from 12:30am when we started timing the contractions... 5 hours and 9 minutes of labor isn’t bad! Definitely a much deserved break after the 56 hours of *hellish* induced labor with my daughter. But, they were both equally worth all the pain, and I will most definitely do it again. Just not for a few years!
BTW, I had no IV and no drugs other than a Motrin afterwards. And, yippee!!!! No episiotomy! I have 2 TINY lacerations, but they don't hurt at all, and didn't need stitches. I feel *great*. After giving birth working on a total of 5 hours of sleep out of the past 48, I was up and walking around, calling my friends and family, and I didn't hurt nearly as much as I did with my daughter! =o)
I am nursing him, so I pretty much a human milk cow, as he eats every 1-3 hours. And the nipple soreness...my God, I am in tears for the first minute or so after he latches on. The engorgement wasn't too bad this time, I think because I have been nursing him regularly from the start. But my breasts are still quite large, hard, and tender. Jeff sits and laughs at the contorted face of pain I get everytime Jayden latches on...GRRR. And he has this habit of gumming my nipple when he first latches on...OUCH! But I know this will pass soon (I hope!), and it is the greatest feeling knowing that *I* am still providing him with everything he needs to survive. Well, other than TLC from Daddy and Big Sister Jessica (who loves him to pieces!)! He is such a sweet baby, very easy going and he makes the cutest faces and noises when he is sleeping. AWWWW.
OK, I endeth the novel here...