Breeder: Mark Norris
Owner: Melton Mad Kennels
Color: Buckskin/Blkmask/blk nose

This is Blister, he was purchased from a good friend. Blister has a great pedigree which will be helpful when his stud career starts, thanks to Mr. Norris for this great lil' male.

First Second Third Fourth
(SIRE) Bristols Clell Cisco Mtn Mans Able Mtn Mans Ch.Homer Jr. Mtn Mans Ch.Homer
Mtn Mans Ge-Whiz
Mtn Mans Black Mert Hargroves GrCh Outlaw
Lloyds Cowgirl
Mtn Mans & M.Norris Crop ear M.Norris Rebel Longs Werdo(rom)
M.Norris Hershey bar
M.Norris Hershey bar Loposays Stormy
Larsons Renee
(DAM) Rams Holiday M.Norris Buck FoFars Scooter HiHaths Lil' Richard
Brewers Ruby
Fofars Ginger Craddocks Ch.Taz
Craddocks Stormy
M.Norris Sallie M.Norris Moon shine Dues Boseaphus
M.Norris Hershey bar
M.Norris Dusty Rose Longs Werdo(rom)
M.Norris Hershey bar