
            Welcome to our little spot on the web. 
               A place for family and friends to
              check in and see what we're up to! 

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Boy's Page

I've set up a page for family and friends to see how the boys are growing and growing and growing!  Stop by and see them, but be warned, there are a lot of graphics, so be prepared to wait.  Just click on the paw prints and go...........


Marc's Spot

In Marc's Spot, you'll find out all about the things that interest him.  He does not have much there right now, but he's working on it!


Sharon's Corner

This is my corner of the web.  I will eventually have all sorts of links to places all over the web, so please bear with me...it's taking longer than I thought! 


"Thank you, thank you!"

Here are links to sites where I found the clipart for this site. 
Many thanks!


View My Guestbook

Sign My Guestbook


To email us, just click on the shamrock for Sharon and the maple leaf for Marc!

have dropped by!
