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Western Mojave Desert of
Mojave Sat Photo
Southern California

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Mojave Desert Studies

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The Connection Corner welcomes you to the Mojave Desert Studies resources web page. Built into this page are links to other web sites that you will benefit from during your endeavors to learn more our desert environment and how you are connected to it.

Thank you for visiting and happy browsing! If you would like to recommend a new web site link send us a note!


Below are lists of links to information about the

Physical Environment, The Living Environment, Man in the Mojave and Desert and Wildands Management


Physical Environment

A good relief map of Southern California...

Satellite Image of California



TOPO! Interactive Topographic Maps on CD

Online Version of the 1966 Geological map(s) of California

PaleoGeography (world)

Great Overview of the Mojave Desert  

General Mojave Desert Links

Mojave Desert National Preserve geology page; excellent descriptions of plate tectonics, specifics of Mojave geology, general information on rocks and minerals (with pictures), plus a geology field trip in the Mojave.

California GeoMorphic Provinces

Great Basin -- Mojave Desert

Desert Physiography

California & Nevada Ground Water Atlas

Desert Geology and Resources

CERES: Information by Geographic Area: San Bernardino County

Virtual Geomorphlogy

To locate and order maps of the southwest deserts.

San Bernardino soil surveys and maps

Desert Research Institute

California Deserts

Kevin's TRILOBITE page

Virtual Museum of the Mojave

Mojave Desert Weather

Mojave River Watershed

ICE 2 (The Information Center for the Environment) California Mapping

Soils & The Environment


Helpful Addresses and Phone Numbers: 

  • California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), P.O. Box 2980, Sacramento, CA 95812- 2980. (916) 445-5716.
  • California Desert Information Center, 831 Barstow Rd. , Barstow, CA 92311 760-255-8760
  • Mojave Desert Information, P.O. Box 241, Baker, CA 92309, 760- 733-4040
  • Bureau of Land Management, Needles Resource Area, 101 Spikes Rd., Needles, CA 92363, 760-326-3896
  • Bureau of Land Management, CDD, 6221 Box Springs Blvd., Riverside, CA 92507, 909-697-5200
  • Bureau of Land Management, Ridgecrest Resource Area, 300 S. Richmond Road, Ridgecrest, CA 93555, 760- 384-5400
  • Bureau of Land Management, Palm Springs-South Coast Resource Area, 63-500 Garnet Ave, P.O. Box 2000, Palm Springs, CA. 92258, 760-251-4800
  • Bureau of Land Management, El Centro Resource Area, 1661 S. 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243, 760-337-4400
  • Superintendent, Death Valley National Park, Death Valley, CA 92328, 760-786-2331
  • Superintendent, Joshua Tree National Park, 74485 National Monument Drive, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277, 760-367-7511


Living Environment


Wildlife Habitat Types at the Mojave River Campus

Incomplete List of Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals on the Mojave River Campus

Plant List for the Mojave River (compiled by Pamela J. MacKay, Botanist)

Eastern Mojave Desert Vegetation

Botanical Sorting Machine

Native American Ethnobotanical Database

Medicinal uses of desert plants (creosote bush, juniper, yucca, Joshua tree etc.)

Learn more about California Native Plants that grow in the Mojave Desert or search for information on any California Native @ .

Want to learn more about Native Plants for Desert Tortoises...
Great Basin--
Mojave Desert Region - is but one chapter in the report, The Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources; a major contribution to meeting the nation's need for better information about our nation's living resources.

California Dept Fish & Game

CalFlora: Plant Photo/info Library

Western Wetland Flora

California Vegetation Communities

Research Tools for Searching the Wildlife Literature

General OverView (GAP Analysis)

Desert Plant Survival Strategies.

Desert Animals

EcoQuest: Desert Edition , An Interactive WebQuest

Bats of the Desert

Adaptations of Desert Animals

Animal Tracks

Fatal Attraction - Ravens are flourishing in the Southwest, and that is bad news for beleaguered desert tortoises

Western Pond Turtle, Clemmys marmorata

An index of interesting desert animals with references to web sites


Desert tortoise preservation area

University of Illinois description of Mojave + GIS information

Digital Library Project at the University of California Berkeley. The project contains much more than science materials. The botanical and zoological data sets allow students to call up photos of any plant and animal in California by typing in the common name.

The digital library of animals at UC Berkeley.

An electronic gateway to biological data and information maintained by various government and private sector organizations; good links to biodiversity and maps.

information about deserts; good link to desert plant and animal adaptations.

information and pictures about the various desert plant communities in California.

A multimedia textbook of southern California natural history; besides information on plants (see above) there are also chapters on most animals, which are selected by name and region.

Shows coastal and desert slopes of the San Gabriel Mts and associated elevational veg. Zones; with links to desert plant communities and CNPS (California Native Plant Society).

A web site that links to other sites for info on desert animals

Death Valley animals

Yucca and Yucca Moth

California Vegetation Mapping Catalog

Manual Of California Vegetation


Desert Fish Council

California Birds

California's Desert Resources - You can learn more about deserts at this site from the California Environmental Resources Evaluation System.

Desert USA—The Mojave Desert This page provides a brief overview of the Mojave Desert and access to related pages.

Desert Animals and Plants - This is a great site for both animals and plants found in deserts.

Desert Animals Index

Click on the links under this heading: Top: Recreation: Outdoors: Wildlife: Desert Animals and find information about desert animals.

Desert Maven, Desert Maverick - "Desert Maven, Desert Maverick" was featured in California Wild magazine in the Summer of 1998. It tells the story of Mary Austin, an author and environmentalist.

Mojave Desert Ecosystem Study - by U.S.Geological Survey. Did you know that the desert habitat is vulnerable? Find out more about vulnerability and recoverability of the Mojave at this site from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Mojave National Preserve - This is the official web site for the Mojave National Preserve from the National Park Service.

Plant Communities of the Transverse Ranges and Western Mojave Desert - This site shows coastal and desert slopes of the San Gabriel Mountains and associated elevational vegetation zones, with links to desert plant communities and California Native Plant Society (CNPS).

Southern California Natural History - This site provides plant community information from desert communities.


Man in the Mojave

Mojave Desert Air Basin Ozone Data

Mountain Men , Jedediah Strong Smith

Jedediah Smith Diary Excerpts

 Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District

Human-Induced Changes in the Mojave and Colorado Desert Ecosystems: Recovery and Restoration Potential

Effects of Elevated CO2 on a Mojave Desert Ecosystem.

Indigenous Use of Herbs

Great Basin -- Mojave River

Protecting Deserts

Bioregional Demographic Trends and Implications for Biodiversity

Effectiveness of a barrier fence at reducing mortality and recovering desert tortoise populations.

Links to Desert Organizations

Chronology of Development in the Mojave Desert

BLM's Indian Technical Assistance Program

Where Desert Meets City: Vulnerability and Recoverability of the Mojave Desert Ecosystem

Land Use & Human Impact

Essential reading for Mojave Road buffs and historians.

Exploration, Exploitation & Development Of the East Mojave

1907, Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad

Mojave Desert Preserve 1998 Draft Environmental Impact Statement and General Management Plan

Mojave Desert Preserve EIS / GMP Revised 2000 plan

Fremont and Las Vegas

CSUSB (Mojave Desert Studies)

Ghost Town Explorers

(click me)

California Deserts

Spanish in the Mojave, History


Desert and Wildlands Management




Connection Corner Facilitator and WebMaster - Matthew Huffine
Last updated 31 January 2001
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