The Following is a Chart on the next two pages is designed to show some of the Employees of the Hudson Bay Company at Fort Nisqually as well as some of their families. Their names and other information came from Cecelia Svinth Carpenter's book, "Fort Nisqually", a documented history of Indian and British interaction. Ceceila's, Tahoma Research Service , specializes in consultant services in Indian historical research and writing. A good deal of her book on the Fort is based on my great-great-grandfather's (William Kittson) journals in the Fort's Journal of Occurrences. By no means are these the only people who have been employed at Fort Nisqually over so many years, but a glimpse of some of them and their lives. This is titled the "DESCENDANTS" as we belong to a group of some of the descendants of some of these people and are anxious to find others with this ancestry. Our own family as descendants of William Kittson's son, Peter Kittson were thrilled when put in touch with descendants of William's daughter, Jemima Kittson Sinclair. If you ever go to Victoria, B.C. where William & Jemima Sinclair settled you might want to travel around in style with their descendants in their limousine service. The Descendants of Ft. Nisqually Employees Association is non profit and with proof of ancestry it is a very easy group to join. We meet only twice a year, usually in the Spring (April/May) and in the Fall (October)in the historic city of Dupont, at their City Hall - 303 Barksdale Ave, DuPont, WA 98327, near the first and second sites of the Fort. There is a third site of the Fort also which contains a couple of the old buildings from the second site. Throughout the year there are many activities which you can link to on my other pages. If you believe you are a descendant of one of these workers and would like to know more, please contact me and I will try to guide you to some answers. Next Meeting: October 5th, 2008 (Sunday) Our speaker will be Bruce Watson from Vancouver, BC who's presentation will be on the strategic factors involved in the placement of fur trade posts in the Pacific Northwest As for directions, take the I-5 to exit 119, turn opposite direction of Ft. Lewis post go strait accross to DuPont at the traffic light. The meeting begins about 12:30, many are there early. Copies of Cecilia's book can be purchased at the Museum in Dupont. If you are interested in finding out more about your ancestor from the HBC write to them at You can also visit their web pages in Winnipeg . You may also want to check their listings of other forts for further information. Some of our members might like to see the following web page. I lost a connection that I had on John Flett, but have found another one. If you have not seen or read this one it is a must read one that I know all of our members will like. It comes from a site "accessgenealogy" which I have not seen before. Please read John Flett, History of the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and Washington, 1889. My sister noted that John was at Ft. Vancouver Christmas Day 1841 when our gg grandfather, William Kittson passed away there. She also spotted where John was in Puyallup when our grandmother's father, Frank Brouillard, was there. While searching the web I found another Journal of another man with the HBC at Ft. Nisqually. He is not in the list below. It is a long Journal, but this is worth looking at. This is the journal of Levi Lathrop Smith, 1847-1848. It may not take a year to read it, but give it fare time. I was given some new information to add here for a Red River Descendants Reunion and know it might be something some of you might be interested in. The Sinclaire family line were the ones who first gave me the address. I wrote into the link and asked for a connection to them. She sent some corrections for me to follow up on on my own site, so will tend to some of them now. Glad that she found only two out of the 5,000 made in my pages, ha! Another new friend and another new site to add here. You might want to go to Steward & Clark Landmen, Ltd., a small research company, a site for anyone who needs somebody to make extracts from the HBC Co. materials at B.C. Archives, you can also get copies of the grants through the LDS Family Research Centres on microfilm. Dave Clark will have a book out soon on some of his work.
Another link that will give you access to many books (I appolgize as for years now I thought I had this link in here), is the one to the third site of Fort Nisqually's own gift shop and book store. There you can even purchase a copy of the Journal of Occurances which is absolutely fascinating and worth the cost. The Original Journal is in California, these copies are the transcribed ones making it easier to read. A good portion of the history has been lost or miss filed somewhere, possibly never to be found, but I pray some day in my lifetime it will surface as the piece that is missing contains some of the writings of my great, great grandfather near the end of his life. In some of the writings that are in the Journal written by him he provided a lot of family history which really thrilled us. Anyone who has ancestors who were up at Ft. Nisqually must have a copy of this Journal. It gives lots of details.
McDonald | Archibald | Chief Trader | Founder of the of the Fort | 36 |
Tolmie | William | Physician, Chief Trader, Chief Factor | Commanded the Fort twice | 37 |
Heron | Francis | Chief Trader | Second Commander of the Fort | 46 |
Kittson | William | Clerk, Chief Trader? | 3rd Commander of the Fort | 64 |
Ouvre | William | not shown | not shown | 64 |
Charles | Pierre | not shown | Bad foot injury treated by Dr. Tolmie | 64 |
Brown | William | not shown | not shown | 64 |
Plomondon | Simon | not shown | not shown | 64 |
Sagohanenchta | Louis | not shown | Iroquois | 64 |
Bourgeau | Silvan (Silvain) | not shown | not shown | 64 |
McDonald | Anawescum | not shown | not shown | 64 |
McKay | John | not shown | not shown | 64 |
Tai | not shown | not shown | Hawaiian? | 64 |
Hawaiians | unnamed | not shown | Several Hawaiian men arrived from Fort Vancouver on June 8, 1838 | 82 |
Ross | Charles Geo | Chief Trader | Family listed below | 90 |
Ross | John | Operated farm at Nisqually | Married daughter of Plomondon | 133 |
Ross | Walter | Postmaster | not shown | 124 & 138 |
Ross | Elizabeth | not shown | not shown | 90 |
Ross | Charles Jr. | not shown | not shown | 132 |
Ross | Catherine | not shown | not shown | 90 |
Ross | Alexander | not shown | not shown | 90 |
Ross | Francis | not shown | not shown | 90 |
Bonaparte (Buonaparte) | Not shown | Employee? | Was at Fort with Indians | 93 |
Pin | Joseph | not shown | Wife, Marguerite Kwehesset, Pend d'Oreille | 102 |
Anderson | Alexander Caulfield | Chief Factor | 4th Leader of the Fort 1840-42 | 110 |
McDonald | Angus | 5th Commander of the Fort | 1842-44 | 110 |
Bercier | Peter | Interpreter | Hired by Wilkes Exp. | 114 |
Sangster | James | Bourgeois | One of three gentlemen including Tolmie & W. Ross | 124 |
Another page will soon follow with an extention of this chart. To
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