Alcee Fortier High School
Class of 1964

35th Reunion Committee

Fine Lookin' Group . . .Don't You Think?
At the table (from left) Nancy Blanchard (Brouillette) and Jeff Gillane
Standing - Barlow Brown, Rosa Gitlin (Langley), and Sharon Rando (Rodrigue)

That's all they need to get them thru some of the research . . .
a couple of yearbooks and a good bottle of wine.

There's that wine again . . . 
Hey! What's so funny, Barlow ?

Missing from the above pictures are Ellen Barnett (Cleary), Dave Feder, and Rick Osborn who have also been at the weekly Thursday meetings.

Also a big THANK YOU to the "out of town " members of the group . . 
Judy Feigle (Fletcher), Jack Lampert, and Eva Liberman (Wilensky)
Thank goodness for the internet !

Anyone from the Class of '64 having an interest
in participating in planning the event please 
contact any of the New Orleans area committee members.