Alcee Fortier High School
Class of 1964

New Orleans, Louisiana

Last Update . . . 7/31/99

Past Updates



So check back often . . .

 What's new this time around . . . 
  • And finaly ('till next time) . . .
to give all of you out there in cyberland an idea for what the organizers look like . . . 
 . . . after all these years ! ! !  . . .( here we are )


And . . .

 Time is STILL getting short . . . Sooo. . .  Let us know you're comin' and get your  personal data sheet in ASAP ! ! ! 

 If you still haven't gotten any of the mail outs from the organizing committee, email us and let us know "where ya at dawlin" and we''ll get you the necessary info right away. 

It'll be great to see you there.


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Members of the Alcee Fortier High School Class of 1964 located in New Orleans, Louisiana are attempting to make contact with fellow classmates in the hope that we may all get together for our 35th reunion.

A committee has been formed and plans have been made for a reunion get together on the evening September 25, 1999 at the "Holiday Inn Downtown Superdome". Detailed plans are now being finalized and all classmates for whom contact information is known will be notified.

It is hoped that this will be the best reunion yet!!!

Committee members at this time are making a call to all former classmates of the "Class of '64". Let them know where you are and how you've been doing.

If you have had contact with any other of our friends and classmates, please make that information available to the committee. Better yet, tell them about the plans for the upcoming reunion and have them get in touch.

Classmates working on the reunion can be reached at the phone numbers or email addresses given below. Also in addition to this web site, the Reunion Committee has set up an email address that contact may be made directly.

The Committee email address is . . .

Time is running short so get in touch with us !

Graduates of the Class of '64 from the New Orleans Area forming the committee that is behind this effort are . . .

Nancy Blanchard
5412 Quincy St
Metairie LA
Barlow Brown
4420 Barrone St
New Orleans LA 70115
 Jeff Gillane
3500 N. Turnbull Dr
Metairie LA 70002-4550
 Rosa Gitlin (Langley)
2411 Ramsey Dr
New Orleans LA 70131
Sharon Rando (Rodrigue)
1805 Harvard Ave
Metairie LA 70001

Those From Outside the New Orleans Area are . . .
Judy Fiegel (Fletcher)
3936 Oberlin
Houston TX 77005
Jack Lampert
5415 N. WAYNE
Chicago IL 60640
Eva Liberman(Wilensky)
3340 Stoneridge Ln
Birmingham AL 35243

Those also helping in the effort are . . .

Ellen Barnett (Cleary)
4000 Lake Trail Dr
Kenner, LA 70065
 Billy Charles Dietrich
1720 Lake Michigan Dr
Harvey.LA 70058
 David Feder
3828 Lakeshore Dr
Metairie, LA 70002

Richard "Rick" Osborne
5760 Pembrock Dr
New Orleans, LA70131


Do you realize there's  . . .