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Welcome to My Art
Galleries, and those of my
Husbands. There are
many galleries for you
to see, take your time,
book mark THIS page,
and come back often,
but most of all,
 This is my Religious Art Gallery,
One of Two.
This is my Angel Clip Art Gallery 
I'm sure there is something there for everyone!
            These are Irma's Victorian Desktops.
                  These are my Victorian Desktops.  
These are some of the Victorian Galleries that
we've, my husband and I have put together!
These are my Angel Galleries!
                            This is my First Site, with Desk Top Pictures
                              for either Macintosh or Window users.
This is my Border Back Gallery!
This is my Sacred Heart Gallery, Fine art!
This is a Softer Background Set Gallery
That's about it for now, I'm sure there are other
galleries 'tucked' away somewhere.
Thanks for coming.
I very much appreciate it!
Please take the time and sign in the guest book
on the first page.