My name is Mavis Viragos, Mai for short (mai rhymes with play.)
Stephen and I live in London, Ontario, Canada & have been married over 25 years.
Among Steve's loves are tennis; Scrabble; cards; his three, terrific children; six grandchildren;
a wonderful daughter-in-law; and me - not necessarily in that order!
My first grandchild, Ceana Samantha Viragos, was born in March, 2003 to my utter delight!
My second, absolutely perfect granddaughter, Molly Janice Viragos, arrived very recently in April 2007.
This was the last formal family photograph
of our son Duncan with his lovely ladies, Jennifer, Ceana and Molly taken in October, 2007.
For more pictures of Ceana, Molly, GranMai, and others in the familyCLICK HERE
This unique and wonderful scooter was adapted for me by TETRA.
TETRA is a organization of volunteer engineers and technicians. These amazing men and women help
disabled individuals to meet special needs by creating toys, tools and devices which are not commercially
available, or by modifying commercial products. If you require the creation or modification of a
device or tool to help you cope with a disability, please contact the marvellous volunteers at TETRA !
My favourite activities include playing cards (bridge, cribbage, euchre and spades);
reading; writing; playing Scrabble and pool; decorating; crafting (including sewing, painting, and crocheting);
designing and building furniture, sometimes to meet my special needs, more often because
I love to meet a challenge. My last major project was to build a custom shelving unit
for our newly redecorated bedroom. Redecorating my sister's home is my latest project.
If you wish to contact me, CLICK HERE.
This site began on March 6th, 1999.