John Judkins of
Wolfborough, New Hampshire
and the search for his correct descendency
John Judkins(4) was the son of Samuel(3) and Abigail (Hereman/Harriman) Judkins of Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He was born 8 February 1719 in Kingston, New Hampshire2. He married 21 November 1744, Martha Hook2, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth(French) Hook. Martha was born 29 March 1727 in Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts3. Martha died in Kingston, New Hampshire, 12 September 17502. John married 2nd Esther Swett, daughter of Elisha and Sarah (Tilton) Swett.2Esther was born in South Kingston, New Hampshire 7 August 1729.4They lived in Kingston, NH where he was a blacksmith. An article featured in "The Arts & Crafts-New England" by George Francis Dow (1967) tells of an "Irish servant, "Ran away from his Master John Judkins, of Kingstown, N.H., blacksmith, a servant man, came from Ireland, called Cornelius Lynes, is about 16 years of age, speaks pretty good English, is about 4 feet and a half high, round shoulders; Had on when he went away a Bearskin Coat, the Body lin'd with red Bayes, and the sleeves with ozenbrig, brown Mohair Buttons, a Homespun Jacket, black and white stript, Wale Woven, with flat Pewter Buttons on it, a pair of Deerskin Breeches, Beveret Hat narrow brim'd, a Cotton and Linnen Shirt, blewish Stockings, a Pair of Pumps with Brass Buckles in them, a yellow Barcelona Handkerchief" L5. old Tenor, Reward.-Boston Gazette, Aug 27, 1751." John's father, Samuel3, was given an original grant of land in Unity, New Hampshire, 1 March 1714/15, as a Kingston, NH land owner. Though no records have been uncovered that John ever resided in Unity, Chester county, New Hampshire, he was a tax collector for this town. During this time he was referred to as "Captain, which can be seen in numerous Cheshire county deeds and tax records and the probate papers of his estate.6,7
The family of John(4) Judkins as taken from the Kingston, NH Town Records is as follows 8;
John Judkins and Marthy Hook were Joined in Marriage, November 21:1744 In the probate papers of John's estate will be found the proof and continuation of this man's children,both living and deceased.9
Within the body of the document are
these further references of the children; "The condition of this obligation is such that the said Joseph
Cram in behalf of his wife Elizabeth who is one of the heirs of John Judkins late of Kingston"; Further info on the family is as follows; Martha married first Nathaniel Huntoon 28 August 1789 Kingston, NH,9, 12 s/o John & Mary
(Rundlett) Huntoon, she married second, Joseph Shaw of Unity, by 1792.9 John married Elizabeth Batcheldor 23 February 1777 South Hampton, NH13, d/o Stephen
Batcheldor. After his father's death John was of Candia14 and later yet of Fayette, ME where he
purchased land from his brother Moses.15 John is described in this document and others as being a blacksmith.15, 46 Stephen Married Liza French 27 March 1783 Kingston, NH12, d/o Abraham & Sarah (Smith)
French. They had at least two sons, Abraham born 30 March 1784 and Peter born 20 August 1785
both in East Kingston, NH.4 It's said he left her.4 She describes herself in 1806 as "late the wife of
Stephen"16 and in 1808 as "singlewoman."17 It's possible Stephen later lived in New Grantham by
180618 and married Joanna Hall 28 July 1793 Deerfield, NH19, d/o Obededom & Mary (Kimball) Hall,
born about 1775 prob. in Candia, NH. Stephen & Joanna's children were Mary, Sargent H., Sarah H.,
Roxanna, Stephen H., Abigail P. and Ann/Nancy. In addition, Elizabeth Littlefield Judkins in her book
Job Judkins of Boston & etc., states that the son of Abraham, Loren Webber Judkins, stated that his
father Abraham had a twin brother, Daniel, but she found no proof of this. I have two unknown
Daniels' in my files, one of Livermore, ME the other of Salisbury, NH, who might fit in here. More
information is sought on this son of John, proving or disproving this Stephen of New Grantham, NH
and the twin of Abraham. Elisha died prior to 1788.9 Elisha would have been close to the age of thirty when he died. It's not thought (by me) that he left any heirs, as they are not considered in the division of the father's estate. Further information desired on this son. Samuel married Ann/Nancy Hubbard21 d/o John & Joanna (Davice) Hubbard b. 25 February
1757 in Kingston, NH.22 Their children were; Richard born 9 June 1785 in New Hampshire4, Elisha
born 7 May 17874 and Ann/Nancy born 2 May 179223 in Readfield, Maine. Samuel was a blacksmith by trade.33 Samuel married second, Mitty/Hitty (Mehitable) Carle 24 Oct 1809 Readfield, ME24, and died 25 June 1818 in Readfield, ME.25 Mitty married after Samuel's death to Benjamin Follensbee 12 August 1820.4,26 Sarah married Peter Fifield s/o Samuel and Mary (Eastman) Fifield. She died 26 May 1845
Kingston, NH.4, 9, 27 Elizabeth married Joseph Cram 9 September 1790 Kingston, NH,9, 12, s/o Benjamin Jr. & Mary
(Tilton) Cram, born 13 April 1766 Deerfield, NH.28 They moved from Deerfield, NH to New Sharon,
ME in 1800. Elizabeth died 9 December 1839 in New Sharon, ME.4 Mehitable married Francis Hubbard 29 Oct 1785 Kingston, NH9, 12, brother to Ann, wife of
Mehitable's brother Samuel. Francis was born 17 Dec 1761 Kingston, NH22 and died in Fayette, ME
22 March 1838.29 Mehitable died in Fayette, Me 7 November 1828.29 They raised a family of elevenchildren. Francis married second Ruth Cochran (Cofren), widow of James Cochran and daughter of
Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Prescott) Whittier.29 Amos married Elizabeth (Janvrin) Swett 18 March 1792 Kingston, NH, d/o John & Elizabeth(Stickney) Janvrin. They lived in Kingston, NH and raised four children; Amos born 4 Jan 1793,
William born ca 1797, John born ca 1800 and Betsy born ca 1803 all in Kingston, NH. Amos died 15 November 1826 and Elizabeth died 15 July 1842 both in Kingston, NH.2, 4, 12 Additional information is desired on this son. Moses married Mary Babb Dudley 20 October 1798 Fayette, ME29 d/o Daniel & ______
(Dinsmore) Dudley born 6 March 1777 prob. in Raymond, NH.4 Moses was christened 10 November 1771 in Kingston, NH.12 They raised a family of at least seven children; Susanah born 4 January 1799, Dudley born 16 August 1801, Hiram born 15 June 1803, Samuel born 16 May 1805, Daniel
born 10 April 1807, Charlotte born 27 February 1809 and Maryann born 16 May 1811. Moses's will was proved in Kennebec County, ME, 12 October 1824. Moses was described as a yeoman within the land sale he made to his brother John, on Fayette, ME land.15 Mary died in 1854 in Fayette, ME.4, 24,
29, 30, 31 Reuben married in Fayette, ME perhaps a woman by the name of Wing (record indecipherable), the intention being filed 24 August 1806.29 He was a blacksmith by profession living
in Unity, NH in 1795 and in Kingston, NH in 1798.32 More information is desired on this son also. The Judkins Family Association is still searching for additional information on the above family
and the erroneously named sons John and Samuel, and the unnamed son, Amos. Notice how many
of the sons of John and Esther, carried on the father's trade of blacksmithing. I'd like to give you a little background on Job Judkins(5) of Meredith, Strafford
County, New Hampshire. It was through the division of his estate and the subsequent sale of the
inherited land that we were able to place John Judkins of Wolfeborough, NH in this family line, though
not to answer the question, which person was his father. On the 13th of March 1807 administration on the estate of the deceased, Job Judkins(5),
Yeoman, of Meredith, Strafford County, New Hampshire was granted to Jonathan Watson also of
Meredith. A committee consisting of Stephen Moody, Esq., Daniel Kimball, Husbandman, both of
Gilmanton, Josiah Emery, David Johnston, Esquires and Joshua Lane, Gentleman of Sandbornton, all
freeholders in the County of Strafford, were appointed to "make division and partition of all the real
estate in the estate, which was of Job Judkins late of Meredith in said
County~husbandman~deceased~ to and among the heirs and owners of said estate."2 In part, this is
to whom the estate, "the homestead farm" was divided among. [under-lining is the editor's emphasis] "we have assigned to the heirs and assigns of Ebenezer Judkins, who was a brother of the
above named Job Judkins, deceased," "we have assigned and set and set off to the heirs & assigns
of Mercy Smith, who was a sister of the said Job Judkins," "we have assigned and set off to the heirs
and assigns of Sarah Smart who was a sister of the said Job Judkins," "we have assigned and set off
to the heirs and assignes of John Judkins who was a brother of the said Job Judkins," "we have
assigned and set off to Robert Judkins a brother of the said Job Judkins," we have by the consent
and agreement of all parties concerned assigned and set off the same with the building, thereon to
the heirs of Elizabeth Watson a sister of the said Job Judkins," "together with the share of Joseph
Judkins, a person noncompos mentis, who was a brother of the said Job and is now under the
Guardianship of Moses Hastings "2 This document was dated at Meredith July 12th 1811. John(6) Judkins, later of Wolfeborough, New Hampshire was born possibly in the mid 1750's in
the Exeter or Kingston, New Hampshire area. The birth date listed for him in "Job Judkins of Boston,
MA" is not his birth date, but that of John(5) the son of John(4) & Esther (Swett) Judkins, as it is listed
within a record of children and their birth dates listed for these parents. John of Wolfeborough, was a
"hatter" by trade.1,3 John married Abigail Swasey, 12 January 1778 in Exeter, NH.4,35,36,37 Abigail
was born 5 January 1758, in Exeter, NH, the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Newmarch) Swasey.36
She was baptized in Kingston First Church by Rev. Woodbridge Odlin on 14 January 1759.49 Perhaps
as a wedding gift, Abigail's father, a shipwright, gave land to his daughter "for Love, good will and
Affection that I have and bear Towards my daughter Abigail Judkins the wife of John Judkins of
Exeter aforesaid Hatter"49 This document is dated 2 August 1779. The children of John and Abigail
were; Samuel born ca 1778-794, 39; Thomas born ca 1780-1785 4, 39; an un-named female39; Mary born
13 Oct 17924 ; Ebenezer born ca 1793-18004 ; Joseph Prescott born ca 1800-180540. I have been
unable to find John and his family in the 1800 censuses. I did find him in the 1810C in Wolfeborough,
Strafford, NH listed with him was, his wife and a son ae 10-15 years of age. Thanks to the research efforts of Mrs Edith A. Evans (JFA #102) this family line can be
extended a bit farther. As I detailed earlier the estate of Job5 Judkins of Meredith, NH was divided
between his heirs. I advised Edith to search in the Strafford County deed office for land transactions
between Jonathan Watson, the executor of Job's estate and any other parties. Her next reply to me
contained seven land deeds of importance to this line. Excerpts from deeds listed below. [Italics are
the Ed] 1. "Know all men by these presents that I Ebenezer Smith of Meredith in the County of
Strafford & State of NH, Esquire, for & in concideration of five shillings lawful money to me in hand
paid by Job Judkins of Meredith aforesaid Yeoman and other services by him done and performed as
a settler in said Meredith have released & forever quit claimed unto him the said Job Judkins his heirs
& assigns forever, one half of the hundred acre lot of land in said Meredith numbered two in the sixth
range," it then goes on to describe the location of the land in detail. The deed is dated 10 November
1782. At the bottom of the document is this statement, "This deed not the property of the said Judkins
until he brings to said Smith his the said Smith's note payable to sd. Judkins wife for 30 signed with
one David Watson as security August 19th 1793 received the abovesaid note of hand of the said
Judkins Ebenr. Smith Recd. January 16th 1809 Exd. by Jonas C. March, Regr." 2. Know all men by these presents that I Robert Judkins of Monmouth in the County of
Kennebeck & State of Massachusetts Yeoman, for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred
dollars to me in hand paid before delivery hereof by Jonathan Watson of Meredith in the County of
Strafford & State of New Hampshire Yeoman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have
remised, sold & quitted claim; & by these presents do remise release, and quitclaim, unto him the said
Jonathan Watson his heirs & assigns forever all the right, title, intreatt property & demand that I have
in the estate of my brother Job Judkins late of Meredith in the County of Strafford & State of New
Hampshire Yeoman deceased both real & personal be the same more or less, meaning the one
seventh part ---." [dated 2 March 1807] 3. Know all men by these that I John Judkins of Wolfeborough County of Strafford & State of
New Hampshire Yeoman, for and in consideration of the sum of ten Dollars to me in hand, before the
delivery hereof paid by Jonathan Watson of Meredith County & State aforesaid Yeoman, the reciept
whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have remised released, and quitclaimed, unto him the said
Jonathan Watson his heirs & assings forever, all the right, title, and interest, property and demand
that I have in the estate of Job Judkins late of Meredith ...etc....." [dated 7 April 1807] 4. Know all men by these presents that I Jonathan Judkins of Sanbornton County of Strafford
& State of New Hampshire Yeoman, for and in consideration of the sum of six dollars to me in hand
before the delivery hereof paid by Jonathan Watson of Meredith in the County & State aforesaid
Yeoman the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have remised, released, and quitclaimed, unto
him the said Jonathan Watson his heirs and assigns forever, all right title, interest, property and
demand that I have in the estate of Job Judkins late of Meredith ..... etc....." [dated 1 April 1807] 5. Know all men by these presents that I Solomon Copp of Sanbornton County of Strafford &
State of New Hampshire Yeoman, and Jemima Copp my wife in her right, for and in consideration of
the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars to us in hand before the delivery hereof, well & truly paid
by Jonathan Watson of Meredith County & State aforesaid Yeoman, the reciept whereof we do
hereby acknowledge have remissed released, sold, and quitclaimed, and by these presents do
remise, release, and quit claim unto him the said Jonathan Watson his heirs & assigns forever, all the
right, title, interest, property and demand that I have in the Estate of Job Judkins late of Meredith
County..... etc....." [dated 9 April 1807] 6. Know all men by these presents that I Joseph Judkins of Concord in the County of
Rockingham & State of New Hampshire Taylor, for the consideration of forty dollars to me in hand well
and truly paid by Jonathan Watson of Meredith in the County of Strafford & State of New Hampshire
Yeoman, I the said Joseph Judkins hereby relinquish all my right & title intrest & clame to the estate of
Job Judkins late of Meredith deceased and all my right & title to the estate Jenny Judkins widow of the
said deceased ......" [dated 8 Mar 1807] Signing as witnesses to this deed were Jonathan & Patty
Judkins. Robert mentions in his deed, that he is selling his "one seventh part" of the estate, which
corresponds with the names mentioned in the division of Job's estate, ie., Ebenezer Judkins, Mercy
(Judkins) Smith, Sarah (Judkins) Smart, John Judkins, Robert Judkins, Elizabeth (Judkins) Watson,
and Joseph Judkins. Also according to wording in Job's estate division of July 12th 1811, the only
siblings still alive at that time were Robert, Elizabeth and Joseph. Had John's father been alive in
1807, John himself would not have been selling the inherited land in that year, so John's father must
have been one of the deceased brothers, either Ebenezer or John, who both were deceased prior to
1807. We have very little information on Ebenezer. We do know he married Abigail Edgerly, who
was the daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Judkins) Edgerly. In the will of Samuel Edgerly, 1768,
Brentwood, NH, he bequeaths to his daughter Abigail Judkins, witnesses to the will were Job & Eben
Judkins & Nathanael Trask.51 Samuel Edgerly's grandfather Thomas, was a weaver so it's possible
this trade and the "hatting" trade were taught to the newer generations and brought down to John of
Wolfeborough. There are quite a few records of Ebenezer's, Ebenezer Jr.'s or Eben's serving their
country during the Revolutionary War but it's impossible to tell which one was the father unless
denoted by the use of "Jr." An Ebenezer enlisted 1 July 1775 and served one month & one day. He
was paid Aug 1775 dated at Sewall's Point. On the 14th of September 1776 he lost an article at the
evacuation of New York. An Ebenezer of Exeter took the "oath" in Middlesex County, [MA] on the
11th of July 1775. There was one or two Ebenezer Jedkin's, Pvt, in Capt. Jos. Pettingill's Co., Col.
Baldwin's 26th Reg., paid for Feb., Mar, Apr., May & June, dated 1776 at camp New York.52
Ebenezer Judkins enlisted 16 Aug 1777 in Capt. Ebenezer Allen's Co., Col. Samuel Herrick's
Regiment of Rangers, State of Vermont.53 Ebenezer Judkins Jr, of Brentwood enlisted 16 Feb 1778
on Capt. Robinson's unit.52 It's no wonder we find it hard to keep track of him, with him all over the
country fighting the English!! John of Wolfeborough, named his oldest son Ebenezer, was this according to usual custom,
that of naming the first born son after the father's father? He named two other sons family names,
Thomas and Joseph. My hunch is that John of Wolfeborough was the son of Ebenezer and Abigail
(Edgerly) Judkins and that this can be proven by further research into land deeds of Strafford County,
NH. Another area of research that might turn up some info, is newspaper articles from a newspaper
in the Wolfeborough area, explaining the demise of John of Wolfeborough. John(5) Judkins son of Job(4) and Elezebeth __________ Judkins was born in the early 1700's,
possibly in the Kingston-Exeter area. His line was not traced by Elizabeth Littlefield Judkins in her
book, "Job Judkins of Boston, Massachusetts & etc.", but his place in the family is confirmed in the
probate record of his brother Job(5) Judkins of Meredith, New Hampshire. A John Judkins, who did not
enlist in the Revolutionary War, was in Meredith, NH in 177755. I have no further info on this man
though one land deed that might concern him is from a sale of ten acres of land in Kingston, NH by
John who was then of Kingston, NH to a Joseph Judkins of Kingston, NH on the 27th of September
1770 (Vol. 104, page 210) Perhaps someone will order this deed from the Rockingham County land
office and then we'll know if this deed does refer to this man. I've never found an estate record forhim. Samuel Judkins, the erroneously named son of John and Esther (Swett) Judkins was born ca
1760, probably in New Hampshire. He married Mary Cushing, daughter of Peter & Susan Cushing, on
24 March 1785 in Epping, New Hampshire by the Rev. Stearns54. Mary was born ca 1768 probably
also in New Hampshire. Mention is made of a saddle Job(3) Judkins sold to Peter Cushing in the
estate records of 1790 of Job(3)51. Samuel died 11 Nov. 1809 in Freedom, New Hampshire and Mary
died 7 July 1838, there also(54). Samuel was warned out of Epping in 1785, and after he married the
family was warned out of Exeter, NH in 179344. He is described as being a "husbandman" in various
legal papers. It's possible this Samuel is associated with the family of John and Jane (Sinklar)
Judkins who were of early Epping, NH and a brother to Job(3) of Meredith, NH. Samuel and Mary's
children were all born in Effingham, NH; Peter b. 15 Sept 1786, married Lydia Carpenter d/o Thomas
& Susan (Wentworth) Carpenter and died 8 May 1867 Freedom, NH4; Sophia born ca 1789 married
Daniel Cole of Cornish, ME and died 23 Feb 1887 in Cornish, ME4,56; Mary/Polly was born ca 1790
and married a Mr Colby4; Mercy was born ca 1793 and married 16 Dec 1859 Jonathan Leavitt of
Effingham, NH4; Daniel born ca 1794 married Eunice Taylor4; Julia born ca 17964; Betsy born ca 1800
married 2 Dec 1819 Dearborn Lovering4; Deborah born 11 July 180557; John born 17 Feb 180857 in
Limerick, ME, married 26 Nov 1829 Mary P. Lovering d/o Simon & Lucy (Bradbury) Lovering4. I recently wrote to John S. Fipphen, Historian at the Wolfeboro Historical Society, asking for
information on the family of John and Abigail (Swazey) Judkins. He replied that there was no mention
of the murder of John, as The Granite State News, the local newspaper did not commence publication
until late in 1860. He suggested there might be accounts of this event in a Manchester or Dover
paper. It's possible it may have been in an Exeter, NH paper also. From gravestone inscriptions he
learned that Ebenezer Judkins died 11 Feb 1865, ae 75 yrs, his wife Abigail died 21 Mar. 1826 ae 32
yrs, both buried off Cotton Valley Rd in Wolfeboro, NH. He said they had no further Judkins burials
listed. He also related that John Judkins was living in Wolfeboro in 1798 on three acres of land
valued at $43.50, this coming from the 1798 Direct Tax List. Mr Fipphen suggested a search for a
deed on this land in Strafford County, New Hampshire, might lead to further information on this family.
[Note that this information gives a more definte date for Ebenezer's birth than what was stated in Vol.
3 June 1994 pg. 56] An Ebenezer Judkins is listed as the sole person over sixteen plus one slave in his household,
in the 1790 census of Lebonon, Grafton, NH. Another Ebenezer is listed in Salisbury, Hillsborough
County in the 1790 as having two males over sixteen, one male under sixteen and four females in his
household. These two Ebenezers were probably the son of Job(3) and Elizabeth (York) Judkins and
Ebenezer's(4) son, Ebenezer Jr(5). The Judkins Family Association is still searching for answers to many of the people considered
in these Judkins families that were covered in this article. It would be appreciated if anybody out there
might have a suggestion of where to look next or maybe have some infomation that might shed some
light on the many questions bought up in this article. SOURCES For the work entitled 1. Land Deed-Strafford Co., NH, BK 60, page 115 1. Superior Court of Judicature, Strafford County, New Hampshire, Court Records, August Term 1831, Vol. 27 pp. 5-8, FHL Microfilm #0987708
1. Meeting of Governor & Counsil held at Council Chamber in Concord, Wednesday, Nov. 27th, 1844
William Judkins the Son of John Judkins by Marthy his wifewas born January 29:1745/6
William Judkins the Son of John Judkins by Marthy hiswife Died March 20:1746/7
Martha Judkins the wife of John JudkinsDied September the 12th 1750
John Judkins &Esther Sweat were joined in marriageNovember the 7th 1750
Martha Judkins the Dafter of John Judkins by Estherhis wife was Born August the first Day 1751
John Judkins the Son of John Judkins by Estherhis wife was born May the 11th 1753
Stephen Judkins Son of John Judkins By Ester his wife wasBorn March ye 2nd 1756
Elisha Judkins Son of John Judkins By Ester his wife wasBorn Jun ye 1st 1758
Samuel Judkins son of John Judkins By Ester his wifewas Born Jun ye 8th 1760
Sarah Judkins Dafter of John Judkins By Ester his wife was BornSeptember ye 24th 1762
Elisibeth Judkins Dafter of John Judkins By Ester his wife was Born April ye 14th 1764
Mehitable Judkins Dafter of John by Ester Born March 7th 1766
Within the inventory9 is mention of a horse and a one hundred acre lot in the township of Unity
which belonged to his son Elisha Judkins late deceased. In the list of claims against the estate, John is referred to as "Capt. John Judkins", showing that he is the same John as referred to in
Unity,Cheshire County NH records i.e.,: Captain John Judkins.
"Samuel Judkins of Readfield & Moses Judkins & Francis Hubbard in right of his wife [Mehitable]
both of Fayette all in the County of Lincoln &
Peter Fifield of Kingston in the County of Rockingham in
right of his wife [Sarah] that they with Reuben Judkins of Kingston & Amos Judkins of said Kingston
& Joseph Cram of Deerfield in right of his wife [Elizabeth] and Jacob Shaw of Unity in the County of
Cheshire in right of his wife [Martha] are tenants incommon of about twenty nine acres of land in said
Kingston late part of the late homestead of John Judkins late of said Kingston, Gentleman deceased",
dated 11 Jan 1799.9
In the division of the estate; "To John Judkins, the eldest son of said deceased
we have set no share he having given a full acquaintance of all the right he had or should have in his
Father's estate"10; (Within this 10 document it states, in part , "I John Judkins of give,
grant & etc. to John Judkins Jr ....... a lot of land in Unity, NH ......which was earlier laid out to the right
of my honored Father, Samuel Judkins, late of Kingstown". John later sells this land to Daniel
Batchellor, stating it was formerly owned by his grandfather, Samuel Judkins of Kingstown, NH46)
Stephen second son of said deceased we have also set no share he having received by deed of gift
in his Father's lifetime two certain tracts of land in the town of Unity".
9 Reuben Judkins was appointed
Administrator of his Mothers' estate, 19 July 1798.
You will note that Robert is still alive at this date, contrary to what was formerly believed. It was thought that John was killed by his
son Ebenezer about 1830 and shortly after that his son had a guardian appointed. Recent research in 2003 by Prof. Brian Parker, has proven that it was Joseph Prescott Judkins who killed his father, John. "The Jurors for the State of New Hampshire on their oath present that Joseph P. Judkins of Wolfeborough in said County of Strafford yeoman, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty with force and arms at Wolfeborough aforesaid in the County of Strafford aforesaid in and upon one John Judkins in the Peace of God and of said state then and there being felonisously, willfully, and of his mailce aforethought did make an assault, and that the said Joseph P. Judkins with a certain chair of the value of ten cents, which he the said Joseph P. Judkins in both his hands than and there had and held, the said John Judkins in and upon the left side of the head of him the said John Judkins, near the left temple of him the said John Judkins, near the said left temple of him the said John Judkins one mortal wound the length of two inches, of the breadth of one inch and of the depth of one inch, of which said mortal wound he the said John Judkins from the said twenty third day of December in the year last aforesaid the said John Judkins, at Wolfeborough aforsaid did languish, and languishing did live, on which said twenty seventh day of December in the year aforesaid the said John Judkins, at Wolfeborough aforesaid of the said mortal wound did die, and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say, that the said Joseph P. Judkins ______ the said John Judkins in the manner and form aforesaid feloniously, willfully, and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder contrary to the force of the Statute in such case made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the Sate." "The said Joseph P. Judkins being arraigned, pleas not guilty, and puts himself on the County; and the Attorney General joins said issue. Whereupon the Attorney General and cousel for the defendant being fully heard upon the evidence, the cause is committed to a Jury, sworn according to law to try the issue, who make return of their verdict thereon upon oath, and say the said Joseph P. Judkins, is not guilty of murder but is guilty of manslaughter. It is therefore considered by the Court that the said Joseph P. Judkins be confined to hard labor in the State Prison during life, and that he pay costs of prosecution taxed at ninety dollars and seventy-three cents."(Court records, August Term 1831, Vol. 27, pp5-8) At a meeting of the Governor and Council holden at Council Chamber in Concord on Wednesday, Nov. 27th, 1844. Present, His Excellency John H. Steele, Governor, Hon. Elijah A. Cu ____, Hon. Josiah Bartell, Hon. William Parker, Hon. Frances Holbrook, and Caleb Blodgett. "The Councelors having taken into consideration the petition of Hadiah Stoddard & others for the Pardon of Joseph P. Judkins a convict of in the State prison, who was convicted at the Court of Common Pleas Aug. term 1831 of the crime of Manslaughter, and sentenced to 10 Days solitary confinement and to hard Labor in the State Prison for life, do advise His Excelly the Governor to remit the remained of the term and direct the discharge of said Judkins from Prison. Signatures of Couselors Agreeable to the advise of the Council I do Hereby remitt the remained of the term of said Judkins, and direct his discharge from Prison. Signature of Governor "
2. New Hampshire Vital Records
3. Salisbury, New Hampshire-Vital Records
4. Job Judkins of Boston & His Descendants
5. NH Deed-Rockingham Co.-Vol. 9, p 642
6. NH Deed-Cheshire Co.-Vol. 51, page 337
7. NH Deed-Cheshire Co.-Vol. 52, pp 330, 331
8. Kingston, Rockingham Co., NH-Town Records
9. Rockingham Co., NH-Probate Record #5361, dated 1788
10. NH Deed-Cheshire Co.-Vol. 2, p 519
11. Rockingham Co., NH Probate #6478
12. Kingston First Church Record
13. South Hampton, NH Church Record
14. NH Deed-Cheshire Co.-Vol. 7, p 324
15. ME Deed-Kennebec Co.-Vol. 4, pp 5 & 6
16. NH Deed-Rockingham Co.-Vol. 184, pp 131 & 132
17. NH Deed-Rockingham Co.-Vol. 184, pp 14 & 15
18. NH Deed-Cheshire Co.-Vol. 52, p 143
19. Deerfield, Rockingham Co., NH-Vital Records
20. History of Kimball Family in America 1634-1897 by Leonard A. Morrison & Stephen P. Sharples
21. NH Land Deed-Rockingham Co.-Bk 128, pp 306 & 307
22. One Thousand Years of Hubbard History, 866-1895, Compl. by Edward W. Day
23. Latter Day Saints-International Genealogical Index
24. Mount Vernon,Kennebec Co., ME-Vital Records
25. Vital Records From Maine Newspapers 1785-1820 by David C. Young & Elizabeth Keene Young
26. Readfield, Kennebec Co., ME-Vital Records
27. Kingston, Rockingham Co., NH-Cemetery Record
28. Cram, Walker, Weeks, Family Genealogy
29. History of Fayette, Maine by R. C. Tuck
30. Rockingham Co., NH Probate Record-Guardianship Papers, dated 16 March 1791
31. The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy-1st Families of America by Virkus
32. Unity, Cheshire Co., NH Tax Record 1795
33. Kennebec Co., ME Probate-dated 30 June 1818
34. History of the Town of Readfield, from Illustrated History of Kennebec Co., ME, 1892
35. Swasey Genealogy by Benjamin Franklin Swasey
36. Exeter, Rockingham Co., Town Records
37. NH Land Deed-Rockingham Co.. Bk 110, p 449
38. History of Wolfeborough by Benjamin Franklin Parker
39. 1790 census-Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH
40. 1820 census Wolfeborough, Strafford Co., NH
41. NH Land Deed-Strafford Co., Bk 60, p 115
42. Epping, Rockingham Co., NH-Vital Records
43. Rev. War Pension Record-Samuel Judkins Roll #1454 M-804 (NA)
44. Rockingham County, New Hampshire Paupers by Pauline Johnson Oesterlin
45. Rockingham Co., NH Probate-Job Judkins-dated 29 July 1789
46. NH Deed-Cheshire Co., NH-Vol. 17, p 324
47. History of Wolfeborough by B.F. Parker
48. Rockingham Co., NH Estate Records re:Job Judkins of Meredith, NH Vol. II pp 47, 48, 49; Vol. XII pp 248, 249, 250, 251, 364; Vol. X p 436; Vol. XV pp 190, 191, 192, 193, 194
49. History of Exeter, NH by Charles H. Bell
50. NH Deed-Strafford Co.-Bk 60 p 113
51. Rockingham Co., NH Probate-Job Judkins dated 1737/8 at Exeter, NH
52. Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors in the War of the Revolution
53. Vermont Revolutionary Soldiers by John R. Goodrich
54. Widows Pension Record #W26708
55. Annuals of Meredith, NH by Mary E. Neal
56. Judkins Info-Louise A. Judkins of Sacramento, CA
57. Strafford County, New Hampshire, Probate Record, Vol. 23 pp 152-53