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Welcome Family
and Friends!
We are Derek and Amanda Crocker. In this Website you'll find photos of us, our family, and friends as well as a bulletin board of the latest goings on in our busy lives. Listed below is the actual content of our pages. Please browse through and let me know what you think. Areas of particular interest include Amanda's Third Grade page which contains some activities of her class as well as teacher and parent resources for Early Childhood Education. Also, there is an Aviation area which is intended as a kind of portal to General Aviation related sites. Here you will find pilot resources as well as links to periodicals and supplies. Finally, visit our Family History area. The Crocker Family tree is here tracing my lineage of (Deacon) William Crocker decendants. Other surnames are to follow shortly.
Your feedback is appreciated.
Meet Derek and Amanda | Visit Our Bulletin Board |
Meet Our Family | Multimedia Page |
Meet Our Friends | Our Cat Thor |
Aviation Page | Amanda's Third Graders |
Visit our new Family History Page
Off-Site Links
Call for Help | MSNBC |
David's Homepage | I Love Teaching |
Lighthouses | Habitat for Humanity |
Shockrave | History Channel |
Landings | AV Web |
Last Updated 03/26/2001
Web Design and Authoring by Derek S. Crocker