I'm having to rebuild this site so please bear with me. Thank you
My site has grown so much I have added this menu page to assist you as you surf through the pages.
All my pages are best view with Internet Explorer.
My site is divided into areas of interest. As each area is activated, you need to click on the bullet to enter.
The next button in each site will allow you to visit all pages within that area and will lead you back to this site.
Or, to return to this menu
just find my teddybear and
click and she will return you here.
I hope you enjoy your visit.
That's a good question, click here to find out. There many even be a picture or two
Opened 4/8/00Memorial To My Son
In addition to being a mother of 3 and grandmother of 5, I also Coordinate a Single Parent Program at our local college so of course I'll have tips for parents. (wink, wink)
What would we do without them. This area is a tribute to these wonderful individuals
School Daze
Here you'll find tips and techniques to assist you in becoming a master student. What's a master student? Go to this area and find out.
Like all good bears I store things. Here you'll find awards my pages have received. Who knows you may even find an award or two to apply for
You'll also find my treasure hunt prizes. I do enjoy a good treasure hunt.
Learn about the language of the fan. This area is dedicated to my Southern Sisters. Get to know this great group of women.
This area is dedicated to my sisters at Ladies of the Heart. Be sure to check them out.
Bitsey is my adopted premie-bear. She just loves visitors.
opened 8/7/00For The Love Of A Child
Here you'll read the story of a brave young man as well as tribute and memorial pages.
Bearlyhere's Meandering
Here you will find some of my thoughts and original writings
Poetry that's fun and inspirational is what you'll find when you visit here.
Be sure to check out Mary Bear and Poppa Bear's Photo Album and then visit all my adoptee's.