5-25 99 Jen's Graduation
New Message Board Should have another message board soon, 'announcements'. Pictures Page The picture page is up. Site Semi-redesign Old page took forever to load, so I fixed it. No biggie. Old stuff Welcome! Hello, welcome to our web page. I’m Merrie Casteel. This site is my first web page. I can’t take the credit for setting it up or designing it, which was done by my nephew, Tony Casteel. The original plan for this site is a meeting place for everyone to keep in touch. Tony is going to be updating the page for me, so click on Send Pictures to find out how to get pictures of you and your family on this site. If you would like to see pictures that we already have, click on Pictures. You can also click on Messages to send messages that everyone can read. I’m sure everyone would love hearing about what’s going on in your life. Be sure and let us know about anything special going on, like a trip, graduation, birth, anniversary, or birthday. You can e-mail me privately at merrie67@gateway.net if you would like to put a surprise message on the page for someone.I’ve been hoping to try to get a place set up like this so I can get some great recipes, pictures of relatives that I haven’t seen in awhile, and of course see pictures of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren that most of us haven’t ever met. So, enjoy looking at the pictures we have so far and take a minute to leave a message and let me know you found the page. If you can, send pictures directly to Tony using the Send Pictures link. If you can’t send them electronically, leave a message that you have pictures you would like to share and we will let you know how to get them to us. Thanks to Tony for taking the time to set this up. I could never have done it by myself. I think he is doing a great job. Left to Right, Top to Bottom, Jennifer, Gemma, Jim, Jimmy, Linda, Merrie, Alex, Paula, Allison, D, Me (Tony), The Goat, Donald, Jim, Kathy, Dawn, Lindsey. |