About me:-
My name is Tom, Im married to Judith and we have one son Matthew who
was three on the 19th June 1999.Also we are expecting a new arrival early january 2000. We live in Bangor Northern Ireland,
I own a car valet business in Conlig, my main interests are soccer, computers, F1 racing
and I also have a great interest in Freemasonry and Im a member of Crossle 132
lodge, which sits on the first Monday of the month. As this is my first attempt at
a web page please be kind with your thoughts of my work, I hope to do a
page on Irish Freemasonry and to meet and link with other Freemasonry sites.
Below is a photo of my son Matthew dont be fooled by the grin !
When I got my computer at first, it was only a matter of weeks
before I was on the internet, trying to find out what all the big
fuss was about, when I came across a chat program called ICQ
and through this I have made many friends, below are a few of them.
This is Dave(Bartmoss) this guy is the first person I chatted to through ICQ.
He is my Technical advisor.
There is'nt much about computers that this guy does'nt know...
Im forever pestering him with "how do I do...... " or "how can I....."
Thanks mate .
These guys are hillbillies, we have spoke on the phone and they sound
like the Clampits (LOL). Only difference is they have a bad temper,
not two people you ever want to annoy.............(LOL)
Then there's Melinda (Melbell) this little beauty, as they say
down under, goes to bed as I get up and goes to work as I go
to sleep, we have opposite time zones but still get to chat about
Home and Away (LOL).
Les (Gappy). This guy is a smoothy with the woman
He's a hard worker and a good laugh, I hope that
your new business takes off mate, send me a better photo !
Scottish spice and daugher Heppy jr, see I told you
I would put you on my page, bet your sorry you
asked me to scan in those photos now (LOL)
Last but by no means least Carol. Its thanks to Carol that
this page has appeared , I cant thank her enough for the time
and effort that she has put into helping me with this page, I
will be needing your help soon with my next set of pages
So now that you have met some of the many friends I have met, why
don't you download ICQ for yourself. Its a whole lot of fun and a
great place to make new friends .........
Well thats about this page finished except to add my email address
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