Lyle & Denise's
Home On The Web


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Lyle & Denise

Married Teddies

Animals are our main love! We support many animal causes and rescue organizations one of our favorites being Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. We hope that someday there will be NO MORE HOMELESS PETS! We also love the outdoors, especially the beach. We enjoy gardening, working on our home, and traveling.

Please let us know you came by for a visit by signing our guestbook!


A special thanks to Geraldine M. Brehm, President Peninsula Animal Welfare Society, Inc. (P.A.W.S.) for this special award!

Paws Award

"Shape Of My Heart"
The Backstreet Boys


Email Us

Thanks to these creative artists for the use of their graphics!

Lisa's Country Graphics     Suzie's Graphics    

A house is made of walls and beams;
a home is made of love and dreams.


I'm proud to live in heartland!

We are The Mayers and our site
Lyle & Denise's Home On The Web
is Proud to be Heartland!

Heartland - The Heart Of Geocities!

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Our home was last updated 1/15/2004