Welcome To My Site

Hey you! What are you doing googling me!! Eh? Couldn't you find anything else to do but to look up my name? Get back to work!!

Anyway, since you have come, here are some links that you might want to visit and could probably find me as well.

.:: Some links of interest ::. => Muslim Village Forums - Where Aussie Mossies Meet.
=> Understanding Islam - Great site on learning about Islam.
=> Disabled Muslims eGroup - a mailing list for Muslims with a disability and their friends... mod: me!
=> IslamicaNews - Muslim satire - funny!

If none of that interests you then I guess you can visit the Melbourne Law School.
Or, the Melb Uni Arts Faculty.

If you happen to know me or would like to know my REAL site, then please don't hesitate to drop me a line! :) Will update more later....