Matthew 18: 12-14
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
This parable tells of a sheep that wondered off. The shepherd searched until he found it and rejoiced when he did. I love this parable because I was at one time lost.
As a child of twelve I became a part of the Good Shepherd's flock. I didn't always follow or take the Good Shepherd's guidance and direction for my life. He was faithful to me and brought me back into the flock as an adult when I was a wife and mother of four little boys. I am now a grandmother and He has been so faithful to me......
My life verse that I try to live by is from Proverbs 3: 5-6 NIV
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
The sheep in the Shepherd's arm looks only into the face of the Shepherd and not to the wolves nearby seeking to harm him.
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Music playing is "My God is an Awesome God"
Music from badboyfilecity.com