Prayer of St Francis
- Lord, make me an instrument of you PEACE
Lily of the valley
- Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE
- Where there is injury, PARDON
- Where there is doubt, FAITH
- Where there is despair, HOPE
- Where there is darkness, LIGHT
- Where there is sadness, JOY
Blessing to Your Marriage
in the
Language of Herbs and Flowers
love and devotion
joy and happiness
love and desire
love in a mist
courage and strength
domestic virtue
everlasting love

One of my favorite things to do with herbs and flowers as a craft if an
Herbal Wreath.
I have done them in many combinations and
they age very well.
I have one in my dining room that is over 5 years old.
It is best to keep them out of direct sun.
Here is what you need to make an easy Herbal Wreath:
- rubber bands
- straw wreath
- florist pins
- variety of fresh herbs
I cut my herbs mid morning (less moisture on leaves & sun not to hot).
I make little bunches and bind them with rubber bands (this is best because
of shrinkage).
Start with a row of herbs, attaching with florist pin into the straw base
wreath. Then proceed to layer working around the circle.
Use plenty of
herbs as they will shrink as they dry.
Place in a dark area lying flat
(do not hang).
If you have an old window screen that can be raised to allow
air underneath, this is ideal.
Your house will smell wonderful as it drys.
Also, in the summer as your house has more humidity, the fragrance is
released year after year.
If you like after the wreath has dried, you may
decorate with flowers you have dried. You can get very creative with color.
Cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, some of your whole spices can also be
used to accent.
You can also use your florist pin, bent in half and
placed in back of wreath for your hanger.
Another fun thing to do with herbs and flowers is potpourri.
Here is my recipe for Rose Potpourri
note all ingredients have been dried
- 1 quart rose petals
- 2 cups each lavender flowers and rose geranium leaves
- 1/2 cup each patchouli leaves and freshly cut vetiver root
- 1/4 cup sandalwood chips
- 1 cup rosemary
- 2 teaspoons each frankincense and freshly cracked cloves
- 1 teaspoon myrrh
- 6 tonka beans, cracked or ground
- 2 cups fine-cut orrisroot
- 1/2 teaspoon each rose, bergamot, sandalwood, rose geranium, and lavender oils.
- 1 1/2 teaspoons each of musk and ambergris oils
- 1 teaspoon lemon oil
Combine the rose, lavender, rose geranium, patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood,
and rosemary.
Add the orrisroot, and stir it all well.
Add the oils, mixing well after each one.
Let this mixture age, stirring
every day. In about 3 weeks you will have a very pleasing fragrance. One
rule to keep your potpourri for years is to place it in a container with a
lid. During the day remove lid and enjoy....at night besure to cover.
You will find many uses for this rose potpourri. Can make into sachets,
give away as gifts, line your drawers.
A good resource for oils, flowers, spices is:
Attar Herbs & Spices
Playground Road
New Ipswich, NH 03071
603-878-1780, orders only: 1-800-541-6900, Fax:603-878-4231
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