This site was developed for several reasons:
  1. To have a permanent record of this family's history should a catastrophe destroy my written records
  2. To locate "lost" members of the family
  3. To allow my family to view my research
  4. To silence my wife, who's been nagging me to build a webpage
  5. Because you want to see it!

Stalnecker Family History

Jefferies Family History

Tice Family History

Get to know more about this nut on the family tree by viewing my Fanlisting memberships.

This is a Genealogy Site

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

This site was created using Netscape Navigator 7.1, 1152x864 resolution. Backgrounds, most images and page layout created by Ampersand Designs The aforementioned backgrounds and images may not be used without permission.