updated 1/3/2002

Descendants of Bartholomew_ McCarthy


BARTHOLOMEW MCCARTHY was born 1810 in Co. Mayo, Ireland, and died July 18, 1899 in St. Paul, MN and buried in Highland Cemetery, Lakeville, MN. He married CATHERINE HYLAND, daughter of EDWARD HYLAND and MARGARET HENNELY. She was born 1820 in Kilmaine, County Mayo, Ireland, and died October 03, 1883 in Lakeville, MN, buried in Highland Cemetery Oct 4th. Note:Catherine’s daughter Margaret's death certificate lists her last name as Holland


Dakota County Tribune of July 21, 1899

DIED--Tuesday, July 18, Bartholomew McCarthy, an old and respected citizen of Empire. Funeral will be held on the 21st, his remains will be brought to the Lakeville cemetery where his wife and family are buried. Mr. McCarthy was almost one hundred years old and was living with his daughter, Mrs. M. McCarthy, of St. Paul, at the time of his death.

HA Gazette of Saturday 10-6-1883

Mrs Barthol McCarthy, of Empire, died at the residence of her daughter in West St. Paul on Tuesday, and the funeral took place from the church in Rosemount the following morning


i. EDWARD C MCCARTHY, b. May 10, 1845, Ireland; d. October 27, 1925, Rosemount, MN. (See 2 below)

ii.MARGARET MCCARTHY, b. February 20, 1850, New York, NY; d. July 17, 1917, St. Paul, MN. (See 3 below

iii. TIMOTHY MCCARTHY, b. 1851, New York; d. February 25, 1886, Los Angeles, CA; m. MARY BURNS; b. 1857, Ireland

Obituary in Dakota County Tribune for TIMOTHY_MCCARTHY

The remains of Tim McCarthy who died in Los Angeles, Calif. Feb 26, 1886, arrived here Wed. morning and was met at the depot by a large crowd of friends and neighbors. He was about 35 yrs. old and spent most of his life in Minnesota at his home in Rosemount. Some time ago his health began to fail and his doctor urged a change of climate. So with his wife he went to California in hopes of recovering his health. He leaves a wife and aged father. Funeral from St. Joseph's, 175 teams at his funeral.

Dakota County Tribune of Mar 4, 1886

The remains of Timothy McCarthy who died in Los Angelos, California Thursday morning, Feb 25th, arrived here Wednesday evening, and was met at the depot by a large crown of friends and neighbors. The deceased was about 35 years of age and spent most of his life in Minnesota; at his home near Rosemount. Some time ago his health began failing and the doctor advised a change of climate, so accompanied by his wife, he went to southern California in hopes he would recover, but instead he failed. He leaves his wife and an aged father in comfortable circumstances, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends and neighbors in their sad bereavement. The funeral will take place Thursday, from St. Joseph's church.

Generation No. 2


2. EDWARD C MCCARTHY (BARTHOLOMEW) was born May 10, 1845 in Ireland, and died October 27, 1925 in Rosemount, MN. He married ELIZABETH JANE MILLS January 20, 1879, daughter of JOHN MILLS and XX. She was born August 30, 1859 in Esterville, IA or Needah, Wisconsin, and died February 19, 1932 in Soldiers Home hospital in Minneapolis



        Ed McCarthy, of near Rosemount, a veteran of the Civil War who enlisted when he was only 16 years of age, died in his home two miles south of Rosemount Tuesday, following an illness of three months. The funeral services were held Thursday of this week at St. Joseph's church, Rosemount. A daughter, Mrs. Nic Heinen of Farmington, attended the funeral services. The obituary will be published next week.

Dakota County Tribune of Oct 30, 1925

The funeral of Ed McCarthy of St. Paul passed thru here Monday to the Lakeville cemetery and was the largest ever seen here from the city. Mr. McCarthy was formerly a resident of Lakeville and Farmington and was well and favorably known in this county. He was well advanced in years and for the past few years his health has been failing. He leaves a grown family and many friends and relatives to mourn his loss.

Dakota County Tribune of 6 Nov 1925

Edward C. McCarthy was born in Ireland May 10th, 1845. When four years of age he came to this country with his parents. He lived in Saratago [sic], New York, until seven years old, then went to Ruthland, Vermont, where he remained until the age of 16 years when he enlisted in Company I, Vermont Infantry. After the war he came to Minnesota where he was married to Elizabeth Mills. They went to Morris, Minn., and lived for five years, returning to Rosemount where he has since lived.

Besides his wife he leaves to mourn his loss, three sons, John F., Joseph M. and Francis W. and three daughters, Mrs. J. A. Geiger, Mrs. P. E. Walsh of Minneapolis and Mrs. N. M. Heinen of Farmington.

Funeral services were held at St. Joseph's church in Rosemount Thursday, October 29th and internment was in St. Joseph's cemetery. Father Moran officiated.


Mrs. Edward C. McCarthy (Elizabeth Jane Mills) was born Aug 30, 1859 at Esterville, Iowa. When about 8 years old she came to Rosemount with her parents and resided there until her marriage on Jan. 20th, 1879. They went to Morris, MN where they stayed about 5 years, returning to Rosemount where she remained with the exception of six months when she resided in Farmington.

She died suddenly Friday, Feb. 19, 1932, at the Soldiers Home hospital in Minneapolis where she had gone to take treatments for diabetes. Although she had been in poor health for over a year her death was a shock to all.

She leaves to mourn her loss five children: Prudence (Mrs. J. C. Geiger) of Rosemount; Theresa (Mrs. P. E. Walsh) of Minneapolis; Gertrude (Mrs. N. J. Heinen); of Farmington; Joseph M. of Rosemount and Francis W. of Minneapolis; one brother, J. W. Mills of Grand Rapids, Minn., and seven grandchildren. Her husband, Edward C. McCarthy, and four children Timothy, Catherine, John and Edward preceded her in death.

Funeral services were held Monday morning, Feb. 22nd, 1932, at St. Joseph's Church, Rosemount, Rev. Fr. Carey officiating and burial was made in St. Joseph cemetery, Rosemount.




                   i.       CATHERINE MCCARTHY, b. November 07, 1880; d. October 04, 1885.



Dakota County Tribune


Father Edward McCarthy had been burning the stalks and rubbish from a piece of ground near his house preparatory to plowing.  When the fire was all out, as he supposed, he left it.  Two of his children, the youngest being Katie, were playing about the place and discovered a few smoldering embers.  They began playing with them tossing them about and putting grass on them to see it burn.  In some way the girl's clothes caught fire.  The brother ran screaming to the house and the parents ran to the spot only to find the little girl's clothes nearly all burned off her.  She was taken to the house and Doctor Eustis telegraphed for.  She died a few minutes after the Doctor arrived.


                  ii.       EDWARD MCCARTHY, b. Aft. 1880; d. Bef. 1925.

                 iii.       FRANCIS W. MCCARTHY, b. August 24, 1901; d. November 14, 1980, Anoka Cty, MN.

                 iv.       TIMOTHY MCCARTHY, b. Aft. 1880; d. Bef. 1932.

                  v.       JOHN  FRANCIS MCCARTHY, b. September 05, 1883, Morris, MN; d. June 18, 1928, Farmington, MN.



St. Paul Pioneer Press of June 21, 1928

McCarthy - John F., son of Elizabeth McCarthy, age 44 years.  Died at Farmington, Monday, June 18.  Burial at Rosemount.  Funeral from home in Farmington.  Thursday 9:30 A.M.


                 vi.       PRUDENCE MCCARTHY, b. January 01, 1885, Minnesota; d. August 02, 1960, Cook Cty, MN; m. JOHN C. GEIGER; b. September 27, 1880, MN; d. July 14, 1956, Dakota Cty, MN.

                  ii.       THERESA MCCARTHY, b. October 1889; m. P E WALSH.

               viii.       GERTRUDE HELEN MCCARTHY, b. July 23, 1891, MN; d. May 19, 1977, Dakota Cty, MN. (See 4 below)

                  ix.       JOSEPH MICHAEL MCCARTHY, b. April 01, 189560; d. December 24, 1970, Goodhue County, MN.

3.  MARGARET MCCARTHY (BARTHOLOMEW) was born February 20, 1850 in New York, NY, and died July 17, 1917 in St. Paul, MN.  She married MICHEAL MCCARTHY.  He was born Abt. 1846, and died Bef. 1917.



St. Paul Pioneer Press of July 30, 1917

McCARTHY-At residence, 2023 Portland avenue, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy, mother of Jerry E. McCarthy of St. Paul; T.H. McCarthy, Brownville, Texas; Jo0seph U. McCarthy, Chicago, Ill,; Mary Berry, Toronto, Can; Kathryn Le Boeuf and Sadie Johnson of St. Paul.  Funeral from residence at 8:30 a.m. July 20; from St. Mark's church, St. Paul, at 9 a.m.  Interment, Rosemount, Minn.  Automobile funeral.




                   i.       JERRY E MCCARTHY, b. Abt. 1870.

                  ii.       T.H. MCCARTHY, b. Abt. 1872.

                 iii.       JOSEPH U MCCARTHY, b. Abt. 1874.

                 iv.       MARY MCCARTHY, b. Abt. 1876.

                  v.       KATHRYN MCCARTHY, b. Abt. 1878.

                 vi.       SADIE MCCARTHY, b. Abt. 1880.



Generation No. 3


4.  GERTRUDE HELEN MCCARTHY (EDWARD C, BARTHOLOMEW) was born July 23, 1891 in MN, and died May 19, 1977 in Dakota Cty, MN.  She married NICHOLAS J. HEINEN June 16, 1915 in Rosemount, MN, son of JOSEPH HEINEN and SARAH BENNETT.  He was born September 18, 1888, and died May 11, 1970 in St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Paul, MN.


Obituary for NICHOLAS_ J. HEINEN:

Dakota County Tribune of May 21, 1970

                                                                                Obituary of Nick Heinen

        Funeral services for Nicholas Heinen, age 81, Dakota county pioneer, were held Thursday morning, May 14, at 10 o'clock at St. Michael's Catholic church, Farmington with Rev. Father Paul Murray officiating.  Mrs. Harlowe Johnson was the organist and Mrs. Douglas Hansen was the soloist.

        Mr. Heinen died in St. Joseph's hospital, St. Paul, May 11, 1970, from cancer of the lung after six weeks illness.

        Interment was in St. Michael's cemetery, Farmington.  The ballbearers were: Richard Heinen, F.J. Henneberry, Alvin Houston, Anthony Schiller, John Rollman and Joe Hynes.

        Nicholkas J,. Heinen was born in Vermillion township, the eldest son of Joseph and Sarah(Bennett) Heinen, on Sept. 18, 1888.  He attended district school and Northfield Business College.

        He was the bookkeeper for th A.H. Sprute Hardware store in Farmington, before taking up his duties as a rural mail carrier, which he continued for more than 40 years.  He was secretary of the State Mail Carriers Assn. for 18 years.

        On June 16, 1915, Mr. Heinen was united in marriage with Gertrude McCarthy at Rosemount.  Mr. and Mrs. Heinen made their home at Farmington and continued to reside here ever since.

        Mrs. Heinen, who resides at 620 Oak Street, survives with one son, Edward of St. Paul; also a granddaughter, Bonnie Daly of Minneapolis.

        Nick was the last of his family, having been preceded in death by his parents, three brothers and three sisters.

        After his retirement, Mr. Heinen was a gardener and raised flowers.  As a hobby, he also built bird houses and tomato racks.

        White Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.




                   i.       EDWARD HEINEN, b. Abt. 1917.






1880 US Census, MN, DA Cty, Empire, Supvr.2, ED 198, Sheet/Page 7.

1900 census, MN, DA Cty, Empire, Supvr. 3, EN 18.

1900 census, MN, DA Cty, Lakeville twnsp, Supvr 3, EN 30, Sheet 8.

1920 Census, Dakota County   Supr. 3, Enum. 29

1920 Census, MN, DA Cty, Empire, Supvr.3, ED 18, Sheet 4B.

Death Certificate, 1956-MN-003491.

Death Certificate, 1960-MN-003170.

MN Death Index, 1970-MN-031293.

MN Death Index, 1977-MN-010731.

MN Death Index, 1977-MN-010731.

MN Death Index, 1977-MN-010731.

MN Death Index, 1980-MN-027688.

MN Death Index, 1980-MN-027688.

WEB SIGHT  http://members.aol.com/baggerjane/highland/histlost.htm.

WEB SIGHT  http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/empire_township29B.htm.

www, Dalby, John. Minnesota Burials. Orem, UT: Ancestry, Inc., 1999.