Welcome to the Chabot Veterinary Clinic Guestbook. We would love to hear your thoughts about the site or maybe a question. If your pet is sick, take them to a doctor. Afterall, if you were sick do you think a doctor could figure out what was wrong with you over the internet?

Theresa - 08/27/00 00:43:03
My URL:http://www.expage.com/lagomorph
My Email:mars_chance@hotmail.com
City: n. of Spokane
State: Washington
Pets: cat, rabbit, dog
Names: Mars, Assiteague, Zipporah
cute page! I stumbled on it in a search trying to find imformation on pocket pets. I'm in cat, rabbit, and veterinary science 4-H and hope to someday be a vet or go into medicine.

Tricia - 08/16/00 16:00:01
My URL:http://rominerabbits.tripod.com/rominesrabbits/
My Email:4-r@msn.com
State: Oregon
Pets: rabnits,dogs,horses,fish,cat
Site to visit: http://www.delphi.com/rabbithabbit/start
Hints: great forum to ask questions or talk to other rabbit and cavy lovers
like your site... I also host a rabbit and cavy forum here is the link http://www.delphi.com/rabbithabbit/start i have been raising rabbits for 18 yrs and used to raise cavies also please stop by and post as you like.

Brandy - 04/17/00 21:46:12
My Email:bb_gj@hotmail.com
City: Greenville
State: Florida
Pets: 3 dogs and 1 cat
Names: BJ, Lady, Shep,Kitty
I was surfing the net today and happen to stuble across your site. I would like to one day become a vet. and would likle to know how I would go about this. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out. Please feel free to email me with any in o you may have. Brandy

Serena - 01/26/00 17:54:22
My Email:lady_kyra2004@yahoo.com
City: Tempe
State: Arizona
Pets: a hamster and a cat
Names: Alex and Luna

samantha abreu - 01/16/00 18:19:08
My Email:the abreus .com
City: stroud
State: ontario
Pets: 1 dog
Names: simba
Site to visit: the abreus.com
Hints: ????????????????????
Hi im samantha , how are you doing with all the animals?I am doing fine with my pet.I hope you help all those poor dogs out there who are sick see ya later,your friend samantha

Louise Krause - 11/30/99 01:04:29
My URL:http://members.dandy.net/~lulu/
My Email:lulu@dandy.net
City: Cape May
State: NJ
Pets: 2 GSPs
Names: Chloe & Tessa
Hints: ck. my website
Other vets have told me to get my message out. Easier said than done! So...please take a good look at my website: http://members.dandy.net/~lulu/ and all the uncomplicated links (did this myself) and sign my guestbook. If I can be of help to you, just email or call. I have a lot to offer for a min price. tnx...lulu

11/13/99 04:09:58
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Tracy Rosswalter - 10/22/99 21:34:42
My Email:alleystwin@webtv.net
City: Hayward
State: CA
Pets: 3 Dogs, 9 Cats
Names: Alley, Chewie, Pearl, Cinnamin, Gray Girl, Lu-Lu, Lumpy, Sonja, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mae, Sierra
We are clients of yours already. The doctors and Staff are the best!!! Thank you for the care and kindness you folks have given us. Tracy Rosswalter and the Whole Gang

Tracy Rosswalter - 10/22/99 21:34:36
My Email:alleystwin@webtv.net
City: Hayward
State: CA
Pets: 3 Dogs, 9 Cats
Names: Alley, Chewie, Pearl, Cinnamin, Gray Girl, Lu-Lu, Lumpy, Sonja, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mae, Sierra
We are clients of yours already. The doctors and Staff are the best!!! Thank you for the care and kindness you folks have given us. Tracy Rosswalter and the Whole Gang

Barbara Murphy - 07/12/99 06:13:04
My Email:bjmurphy@webtv.net
City: Alameda
State: CA
Pets: cat
Names: Bootsie
Does anyone know of a vet in the SF Bay Area (East Bay) who does radioactive iodine therapy on cats? My vet mentioned one in Pacifica - I'd like to find one closer, if possible.

James R. Liles, M>D> & Russ Richardson - 07/10/99 03:11:16
My Email:Jlwestwood@MSN.com
City: Oakland
State: California
Pets: turtle
Names: Laszlo
I've got Dr. Marmolejo himself looking over my shoulder, proud of his new web site! Congrats!

- 03/13/99 22:16:26

Carla Turner - 03/11/99 16:21:28
My Email:turnercarla@hotmail
City: Athens
State: OH
Pets: hamster, dogs, cats, and fish
I like your web page. I was just surfing the net for more information about hamsters.

Carla Turner - 03/11/99 16:19:56
My Email:turnercarla@hotmail
City: Athens
State: OH

Jillian Casselberry - 02/19/99 02:34:20
My Email:jlc416@webtv.net
City: glen burnie
State: md
Pets: rat,iguana,bearded dragon,5 aquariums,turtle
Names: alot of them,,,
i was wondering if u have a site i could visit where questions can be asked,,and answered??? can u help??

Alejandro Sandoval - 01/10/99 23:51:22
My Email:asandoval1@webtv.net
City: Compton
State: California
Pets: 1 pitbull
Names: Buddy
I'm a animal science/pre-vet major at Cal Poly Pomona and I just suffered in and I want to know if you could help me out with something. Well I'm taking an animal companion care course and I'm required to complete something called a case report. In the ase report, I have to include the clinical signs, treatments, findings, diagnosis, and final outcome of the patient and i wanted to know if you knew of a site where i could find this type of information. If you do, I would really appreciate the informati n.

J.R. Boulding - 01/01/99 02:10:42
My Email:HotFudge05@webtv.net
City: ambridge
State: pa
Pets: hamster
Names: abby
Hints: i need help
if this needs money then dont bother reading.my hamster might be pregnent.she has a hole in her stomach and a white liguid around it.can you tell me what this is??? write back to give me some advice

Madeleine Chabot O'Hara - 11/27/98 21:55:54
My Email:madeleine_54@hotmail.com
City: Berlin
State: NH
Pets: Dog
Names: Mikey
Your site is cute, love the dalmations. Found your site by accident when I was looking in genealogy for my maiden name(Chabot).

10/03/98 23:41:44
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jeannie Rowe - 10/02/98 16:35:07
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/7589/
My Email:Delilla@WEBTV.NET
City: Turlock
State: California
Pets: 6 cats & 1 dog and a fish pond with several golfish
Names: coco,sassey,boxer,batman,shadow,whistle britches
Site to visit: Delillas Home
Loved you site. Please come by for a visit sometime.

Gwen Austin Turbyfield - 08/27/98 18:32:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/austinawe/
My Email:29806@msn.com
City: Graham
State: WA
Pets: 2 dogs, 1 cat, 7 goldfish living in our 'garden tub'
I stumbled into your site via another's guestbook. Great graphics and a good info service for the community. Gwen

loren - 07/03/98 22:47:08
My Email:mannersgroupint@marbella.net
City: malaga
Pets: cats
Names: wasabi,kitty,chilli,homer,bart,rasta,elvis,tisan.
cats are the best thing in the world.

Hercules - 01/20/98 14:38:05
My URL:http://fly.HiWAAY.net/~matt/hercules/
My Email:Hercules@AnimalCareClinic.com
City: Huntsville
State: Alabama
Pets: St Bernard, 3 yr 9 mo, 205+ lb
Names: Hercules (that's me!)
Site to visit: http://www.AnimalCareClinic.com/
** Sorry for this repost; my host website's URL did not pick up in my original post. ** I enjoyed visiting your website; I will return. ** If you cannot access my URL home page, it may be caused by my host web server being upgraded. You can check on the server status at http://www.hiwaay.net/hiwaay/status/updates.shtml - look for "Fly" in the "WWW" column of the status table.

Hercules - 01/20/98 14:32:54
My URL:http://fly.HiWAAY.net/~matt/hercules/
My Email:Hercules@AnimalCareClinic.com
City: Huntsville
State: Alabama
Pets: St Bernard, 3 yr 9 mo, 205+ lb
Names: Hercules (that's me!)
Site to visit: http://www.AnimalCareClinic.com/
** I enjoyed visiting your website; I will return. ** If you cannot access my URL home page, it may be caused by my host web server being upgraded. You can check on the server status at - look for "Fly" in the "WWW" column of the status table.

Raul Marmolejo - 12/20/97 01:25:52
My Email:ticans@pacbell.net
City: Oakland
State: CA
Pets: Looking for Playboy bunnies!
Names: TBD
Site to visit: None
Hints: Thanks for caring for my Foxy (passed away)
Although I no longer have any pets, I recommend your clinic whenever possible based on your compassionate care for my Siberian Husky - Foxy! Thanks, Raul

Julie - 10/16/97 13:51:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/ Orifamily/
My Email:rorillion@poseidon.net
City: Belvedere
State: SC
Pets: dog
Names: Precious
I like your site. My icq number is: 795046

Rebecca Oliver - 10/07/97 19:53:48
My URL:http://www.netcom.com/~duchess
My Email:duchess@ix.netcom.com
City: Hayward
State: CA
Pets: 1 dog, 2 rats, a turtle
Names: Duchess, Big Boy & Addison, & Water Boy
Site to visit: Netvet
Starting to look good

Rebecca Oliver - 10/07/97 16:27:24
My URL:http://www.netcom.com/~duchess
My Email:duchess@ix.netcom.com
City: Hayward
State: CA
Pets: 1 dog, 2 rats, a turtle
Names: Duchess, Big Boy & Addison, & Water Boy
Site to visit: Netvet
Starting to look good

Rebecca Oliver - 10/07/97 14:05:23
My URL:http://www.netcom.com/~duchess
My Email:duchess@ix.netcom.com
City: Hayward
State: CA
Pets: 1 dog, 2 rats, a turtle
Names: Duchess, Big Boy & Addison, & Water Boy
Site to visit: Netvet
Starting to look good

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