Chabot Veterinary Clinic

Dr. George Marmolejo D.V.M.
Dr. Susan Hughes D.V.M.


the Staff

The Chabot Veterinary Clinic in Hayward, Calif. has been established for over 30 years. Dr. Susan Hughes and Dr. George Marmolejo have been practicing at the Chabot Veterinary Clinic for over 10 years.

A message from Dr. Marmolejo and Dr. Hughes:
Our clinic is a full service hospital providing general surgery and medicine, pet check-ups, preventive medicine, vaccinations, nutrition counseling, and medicated bathing and dentistry services.
We provide medical services for Dogs, Cats, Rodents, Rabbits , Ferrets, Rats, Hamsters, and Pocket Pets.
We offer high quality medical care in a very caring and compassionate envirnoment.

(More to come soon.  Let the doctors know you found their New Website.)

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Updated: Friday, October 17, 1997