The Child Within The child within me sees through out And feels that there can be no doubt That anything that it wants to do Can be a success if I want it too The child within me it has no fear I'm the one who knows the fear The child within can do anything I'm the one who say's just wait There is danger here let's co-operate The child within can ride like the wind Me, I like to hesitate Check the horse, gear and spirit And hope the child can convince me too That I can ride as well as the Indians do. The falls and dumps that we have had Seem to be failures that we have not shared The doubts are yours the child always says Listen to me and you'll have success If you are always afraid to try What chance do I have to fly The child within me, it has no doubts That it is well liked and loved throughout The doubts are mine, I will admit I'm the one who wonders why People worry when I cry When I'm down or feeling blue And people worry as they do The child within me tells me true These people really care for you And through you, they love me too. Fears and doubts are things we all live with And yet I know we all have this child within us Some have succeeded in following this child We see success around us all the time I give these people a lot of credit It's not easy to just let go And follow a dream to the end of its limit And to follow this child as they are doing God love this child and keep it safe For the world is such a better place. L. Larente A Breed of Their Own Something that has amazed me since I started out Horsemen never seem to age as in every other sport Now doesn't this amaze you, I know it sure did me But all of us are children to some degree A wise old man he told me once As he walked up to his horse As long as he is on his horse He is always twenty one. I watched their faces as they rode And couldn't help but see The youthful look that was in their eyes For everyone to see Age it makes no difference Handicaps aside Once your on the great big stead A miracle arrives Racing with a buddy Or riding a leisurely trail The smiles and laughs are heard through out No age barriers do you see Men and women, girls and boys Everyone's alike For on their horse, They are horse people A breed all to themselves. L.Larente Treasure Today I met a man who could not see But enjoyed his life like none I've seen To him it was a special treat To wake in the morning and feel the light How I asked could this be so Without seeing how could he love life so He talked of life being able to see And how he had rushed through each day With sight he felt he had the time To rush through each day Without taking the time To enjoy the things we all take for granted. He told me of the accident And how he felt his life was over When a small child asked him what was wrong Why are you crying this child said. This child you see had never seen And showed this man, the way to see To love each day like there was no other To feel and touch and smell and enjoy. A flower he once passed and then ignored Became a wonder to treasure so To know someone greater than he Had put it there for people to see. As he talked I started to think Of all the things that pass us by Of all the things that we take for granted Thinking tomorrow there will be time. And as I thought of this mans words It made me see and have no doubts That life is special and must be enjoyed Take the time to enjoy today. Tomorrow is just a possibility Not a promise that is written in granite. Our lives can change at a drop of a hat But today is ours to keep and treasure. L. Larente © 1997 BACK TO HOME PAGE This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page
The child within me sees through out
And feels that there can be no doubt
That anything that it wants to do
Can be a success if I want it too
The child within me it has no fear
I'm the one who knows the fear
The child within can do anything
I'm the one who say's just wait
There is danger here let's co-operate
The child within can ride like the wind
Me, I like to hesitate
Check the horse, gear and spirit
And hope the child can convince me too
That I can ride as well as the Indians do.
The falls and dumps that we have had
Seem to be failures that we have not shared
The doubts are yours the child always says
Listen to me and you'll have success
If you are always afraid to try
What chance do I have to fly
The child within me, it has no doubts
That it is well liked and loved throughout
The doubts are mine, I will admit
I'm the one who wonders why
People worry when I cry
When I'm down or feeling blue
And people worry as they do
The child within me tells me true
These people really care for you
And through you, they love me too.
Fears and doubts are things we all live with
And yet I know we all have this child within us
Some have succeeded in following this child
We see success around us all the time
I give these people a lot of credit
It's not easy to just let go
And follow a dream to the end of its limit
And to follow this child as they are doing
God love this child and keep it safe
For the world is such a better place.
L. Larente
Something that has amazed me since I started out
Horsemen never seem to age as in every other sport
Now doesn't this amaze you, I know it sure did me
But all of us are children to some degree
A wise old man he told me once
As he walked up to his horse
As long as he is on his horse
He is always twenty one.
I watched their faces as they rode
And couldn't help but see
The youthful look that was in their eyes
For everyone to see
Age it makes no difference
Handicaps aside
Once your on the great big stead
A miracle arrives
Racing with a buddy
Or riding a leisurely trail
The smiles and laughs are heard through out
No age barriers do you see
Men and women, girls and boys
Everyone's alike
For on their horse, They are horse people
A breed all to themselves.
I met a man who could not see
But enjoyed his life like none I've seen
To him it was a special treat
To wake in the morning and feel the light
How I asked could this be so
Without seeing how could he love life so
He talked of life being able to see
And how he had rushed through each day
With sight he felt he had the time
To rush through each day
Without taking the time
To enjoy the things we all take for granted.
He told me of the accident
And how he felt his life was over
When a small child asked him what was wrong
Why are you crying this child said.
This child you see had never seen
And showed this man, the way to see
To love each day like there was no other
To feel and touch and smell and enjoy.
A flower he once passed and then ignored
Became a wonder to treasure so
To know someone greater than he
Had put it there for people to see.
As he talked I started to think
Of all the things that pass us by
Of all the things that we take for granted
Thinking tomorrow there will be time.
And as I thought of this mans words
It made me see and have no doubts
That life is special and must be enjoyed
Take the time to enjoy today.
Tomorrow is just a possibility
Not a promise that is written in granite.
Our lives can change at a drop of a hat
But today is ours to keep and treasure.
© 1997