Larente's Awards

Larente's Award's

Interested in Winning one of These

Please let these awards be given ... submit you name and page and We'll check them out...

Rules for the Awards

The page displays creativity. This creativity may be in programming, art, writing or any original creative activiy that can be shown on a web page.

There can be no obscene or adult material on the page. No references to drugs or alcohol.

There can be no references to the occult.

All text must be easily readable.

All internal links must bring up a valid web page.

All illustrations must show up.

There can be no "Under Contruction" signs.

The site should be viewable in all browsers so all web surfers can view it.

The primary purpose of the page cannot be to advertise a business, product or service.

The page does not consist solely of links to other pages.

The site will be viewed on a scale system, once the base requirements are met.

Ease of navigation

Overall impression

Display of creativity

I love to laugh. Does your page make me chuckle? Bonus points for humor.

Submit your entries be sure to include:

Your name

Your email addy

Your Homepage Url

And a brief descripition of your page and Which Award you would like to have..

Thank You!!!


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