^Fanatic^ - 04/27/00 03:13:26 My Email:fanatic-1@worldnet.att.net Favorite Web Site: This one's way up there! How did you find me?: checki'n on "old"friends | Comments: Really really excellent job. I even noticed my last sign-in is here. July of '97; wow how time flies. The site is teriffic, didn't visit all of it, but will return to see it all. |
WhizKid50 - 03/14/00 21:43:47 My Email:stevens@strato.net Favorite Web Site: Any card site How did you find me?: You told me | Comments: Hey, Kiddo, I enjoyed the photo album. Nice to see Trevor. read your horoscope, hmmm lot of truth there. Catch you on line soon. WK50 |
Warlock - 10/06/99 01:15:28 My URL:/Pentagon/Bunker/9137 My Email:glock33@hotmail.com | Comments: Hey, just cruzin around the web, and came across your web site, and may I say, I am very impressed with the job you have done with your sight. Drop by my site sometime, but don't forget to leave your mark, so I know that you have been. Anyways keep up the good work and I'll drop by from time to time to look for new developments. Cheers Warlock |
Cajun Joe - 08/03/99 12:37:14 My Email:cutebuns@bigfoot.com Favorite Web Site: Mind-it How did you find me?: Surfing | Comments: Hello - What a wonderful idea - the stepping stones. Only thing is - I've been on your site about 10 minutes now, and I am expecting to see how you create your stepping stones. I will continue looking for now. Thank you |
Judith Stevens Voter - 06/14/99 15:19:30 My Email:KJHouston2@aol.com | Comments: Great web page! I love it! |
Snake - 05/07/99 23:43:48 | Comments: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's duck... but swimming is permissable, with written consent. I'm gonna have to check on the `pressing' thing. |
me again - 05/07/99 16:40:49 | Comments: PSS: If that snake guy thinks he can get some "duck" before me, he is wrong! He can have it once I have "pressed" it! Regards, me again PSSS: "Regards" is a UK thing |
Tony - 05/07/99 16:37:54 My URL:http://www.biteMe.com My Email:403897@sing-sing.com Favorite Web Site: http://www.richards-realm.com/links/ How did you find me?: was at http://www.dateAduck.com | Comments: Is that duck taken? If not what is it I need to do to go "swimming" with it. I am willing to make a small donation. Is tipping allowed? PS: That is the Musical College and not the Prison |
SnakeEyes - 05/01/99 00:58:40 My URL:http://homepages.enterprise.net/pjwalker My Email:pjwalker@enterprise.net Favorite Web Site: This one | Comments: LB - this has got to be the best-looking site I've seen in several years. Nice work :) |
Effigy - 04/07/99 20:40:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/5089 My Email:effigy@chickmail.com Favorite Web Site: www.estronet.com How did you find me?: just surfed on in... | Comments: Really nice site, love the design on the front page especially! Effigy |
Wil Ryder - 04/02/99 22:08:14 My URL:http://home.swbell.net/wilryder My Email:wilryder@yahoo.com Favorite Web Site: see above How did you find me?: see above` | Comments: I like this one 'ere even better! Ya doin' good, gurl!! :-) |
Jennifer Slagsvol - 03/15/99 20:25:21 My Email:jslagsvol@gcsd.k12.sc.us How did you find me?: yahoo | Comments: I am very interested in making stained glass stepping stones. I have studied stain glass for several years now and have recently taken a course on stepping stones. Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I live in Georgetown SC. Would love to hear from you. Thanks! |
TD^Bear - 02/03/99 04:10:18 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/8510 My Email:tigger4598@aol.com Favorite Web Site: one that works...:-) | Comments: As usual Bette this site is every bit as good as the others you have done. You take so much care over your work any surfer that drops by can see and feel it. You are a web wizard 'par excellence' |
Diana McFarlane - 12/12/98 04:08:48 My Email:diana.mcfarlane@home.com How did you find me?: looked up stepping stones | Comments: Your Web site is beautiful. I really enjoyed my visit. You have given me several ideas for creating stepping stones of my own. Thankx |
Michael - 11/05/98 00:51:47 My Email:mshycc@worldnet.att.net Favorite Web Site: Yours How did you find me?: You Know!!! | Comments: Haven't visited in awhile. Guess I have, just didn't sign the guestbook. Looks great! I like the new site...I'll pop over and sign that book too. All My Love!!! |
Debbie - 11/04/98 00:38:51 My Email:Debbob111@aol.com Favorite Web Site: Anything on weddings How did you find me?: You gave me the site. | Comments: Bette, You really haven't changed that much even though it has been yearssince we last saw each other. If you have the 1967 yearbook, check out page 56. Unfortunately, I didn't graduate when I should have. But I did get my GED. Glad to see how happy you are! |
Alex Bimmy - 10/17/98 00:16:13 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nj/bimmy/index.html My Email:Lampshader1@yahoo.com Favorite Web Site: Mine How did you find me?: Another guestbook | Comments: Great page! Come and visit me sometime. |
Maria - 10/10/98 16:09:39 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/2416/ My Email:m_gent@hotmail.com Favorite Web Site: too many to pick from How did you find me?: viewing another guestbook | Comments: You have a wonderful page i enjoyed viewing all of it. Keep up that great work *smile* |
EUPHORIA - 10/08/98 07:02:28 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Miss_Euphoria/ My Email:birdsgirl@hotmail.com Favorite Web Site: http://www.users.fl.net.au/~bird, my Fiance's page How did you find me?: Viewing Another Guestbook | Comments:
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Kara's - 08/14/98 07:41:54
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/
My name is Kara. Just dropped by while surfing your GeoCities neighborhood. This stuff is great. Anyway, I noticed you had a guestbook, so I figureI would plug my web site - Kara's. Check it out sometime!
IJF_007_300_ - 07/22/98 13:33:05 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7309 My Email:Q_007_1 Favorite Web Site: Mine not yours mine!!!!!! How did you find me?: my page | Comments: Hello mom!!!! |
Mary - 06/22/98 18:41:10 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/1676 My Email:seemary@cheerful.com Favorite Web Site: There are so many to choose from! How did you find me?: from card's awards | Comments: I really like your graphics! I have a little black cat named Spooks, and your pictures reminded me of him. I also really like the chocoholics anonymous page! |
MizBee - 06/06/98 03:48:47 My URL:http://www.enconnect.net/littlebit Favorite Web Site: toss up between yours and mine How did you find me?: linked | Comments: Hi Little Bit! Was checking my links tonight to be sure they all worked..yours does.As usual I see something else I want to go look at...graphics! ![]()
Stighre - 04/29/98 02:38:14 | Comments: You did a very good job on this page. i am extremely impressed, and you know that is hard to do. Keep up the work and i will see you around. :) |
Like ya can't figure it out - 04/22/98 13:00:05 Favorite Web Site: Still Richard's Realm How did you find me?: I did a search for "places that make you wait a long time for the pages to load" :P | Comments: I figured I had a few minutes so i'd check out the latest....well needless to say, I had to take 3 vacation days....."Sorry boss,i'm waiting for a page to load, but first I have to listen to the ALBUM"..... P.S. As soon as i'm done here i'm going to steal yer graphics on yer other page :P !<:) |
Kathy - 04/14/98 02:42:57 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~op49 My Email:op49@bellsouth.net Favorite Web Site: Too Many To List How did you find me?: Heartland Select | Comments: Hi Littlebit....I have enjoyed my visit to your home...You have done a great job....You have a lovely family....Please stop by my home when you have time....Have a nice day. ![]() |
Trev - 03/28/98 23:09:47 My URL:You Know My Email:you know Favorite Web Site: mine How did you find me?: Just surfing | Comments: Don't Go to my page with netscape it messes my music up!!!!!! |
Buzz Off - 03/24/98 23:24:36 My URL: My Email:you know Favorite Web Site: you know How did you find me?: SOD's Page | Comments: LOL LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLO ROFLROFL |
Cookie - 03/24/98 15:21:32 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6669/ My Email:fneace@sprintmail.com How did you find me?: Real friendly and family oriented | Comments: Loved your page,especially the family pictures. Handsome son and great looking dogs. It is nice to see family values still exist.Stop by when you have time to take a look ot some of my family. www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6669 Good job, be back for future updates |
Christian 'the berzerk' Skwirblis - 03/21/98 22:56:25 My URL:http://www.tatooine/tolkien/12 My Email:berzerk@t-online.de Favorite Web Site: Interesting Pages How did you find me?: ICQ-Info | Comments: Beautyful Page, indeed. This has given me a hug to complete my own homepage so that my chat-partners can take a look into my house too. Greetings to your family and SOD_007_002 ! -SERVUS vom berzerk! |
Denise Müller - 03/12/98 08:48:15 Favorite Web Site: Yours How did you find me?: By myself | Comments: I LOVE YOU 4 EVER |
Tim - 03/12/98 08:26:30 My URL:http://www.newwave.net/~renegade My Email:renegade@newwave.net | Comments:
Jaymie - 03/08/98 05:26:09 My Email:tortuga@sinbad.net Favorite Web Site: nhl.com How did you find me?: you asked me to visit. | Comments: Little, Hi there, the page looks fantastic, you have come a long way baby, LOL Seriously though, you obviously put alot of effort into your work because of the fine detail. I'll be recomending your page to my friends. Jaymie |
Geri - 03/04/98 06:01:35 My URL:/Heartland/Estates/4282 My Email:areuredee@aol.com Favorite Web Site: yours and mine...you mean there are others out there?? How did you find me?: hehehe..can't tell all my secrets! | Comments: I came just to see Trev's Birthday Page!!! You did a great job with the album.. I think it is wonderful!! ![]() |
Joan Meegan - 02/20/98 20:16:25 My Email:jmeegan@amherst.k12.ny.us | Comments: Had a chance to look at the pages! Like the visuals. What do I need to find out as far as connecting to change the present page. |
Belle - 02/15/98 15:29:32 My Email:Belle214@worldnet.att.net Favorite Web Site: Yours is one of them! | Comments: Pages look terrific! Especially like all the backgrounds, nicest I've seen. Keep up the good work. Oh and did someone say CHOCOLATE?? :) |
MizBee - 02/14/98 00:37:29 My URL:http://www.enconnect.net/littlebit My Email:rabble@express-news.net Favorite Web Site: lots really How did you find me?: Lady Debbie | Comments: Hey check out my pets page! You will notice a similarity I believe. lol Now off to see the rest of your lovely site. |
Card1987 (Kim) - 02/11/98 21:28:02 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1794 My Email:card1987@yahoo.com Favorite Web Site: There are so many!!! How did you find me?: Heartland Webring | Comments: Very pretty site! I loved your stepping stones! Those would looked lovely in my backyard! (hint, hint LOL) You have done a very good job here - keep up the good work! :-) Take care, and come see me sometime! Card1987 (Kim) |
Jeri - 02/09/98 03:36:43 My URL:http://www.effect.net.au/thefoxes My Email:thefoxes@effect.net.au How did you find me?: Heartland Webring | Comments: I absolutely loved your chocolate anon page. I am in heaven. I reckon we need to creat a chocolate lovers webring. Keep up the awesome work on your homepage. |
Michael - 02/01/98 01:03:32 My Email:mshycc@worldnet.att.net Favorite Web Site: Yours How did you find me?: WOM-and the link in favorites! | Comments: The hard work really shows!! Yours is a grand site! I remember the first one(s)you did which I thought were good ... but this... is fabulous! I LOVE YOU! Always, not just on Valentine's Day. |
Mika^ - 01/18/98 16:08:03 My Email:mika@starcomm.net Favorite Web Site: yours!!!!!! | Comments: |
Geri - 01/18/98 04:59:23 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/4282 My Email:areuredee#aol.com Favorite Web Site: yours and mine *giggle* How did you find me?: hehehe...can't tell all my secrets! | Comments: I love the new look!!! Very very classy.. just like you... and the chocolate page looks good enough to eat!! |
- 01/16/98 02:32:33 My Email:bgtg2@jnlk.com How did you find me?: visiting a friends home in your block! | Comments: Wow! Your site is beautiful!! I love the graphics and your text was fun to read. We are new to all of this since we just got a computer for Christmas and you site was one of the few places on the web that I have really enjoyed. Your pictures were nice to look at (it's neat to put a face to the words and your son is adorable!). We have friends in upstate NY (hannibal) and it is really beautiful there. Great job! |
- 01/16/98 02:09:27 | Comments: |
The Shia's - 01/01/98 03:01:53 My Email:dshia@juno.com Favorite Web Site: careerpath.com How did you find me?: wandering aimlesslly on new year's eve | Comments: Hello!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well & you're having as much fun as we are this lovely new year's eve; counting down the hours, minutes, seconds, ...when do we get a day off anyway??????? Happy New Year & best wishes for a healthy, super year with a little peace & quiet. We love to surf on your turf. And remember , just a few short weeks until Spring, 81 days to be exact, but who's counting ; well back to the midnight countdown...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz soon!!!!!! Hope to talk to you soon too. |
Amanda - 12/24/97 12:10:47 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~amchan/index.html My Email:adchan@rconnect.com Favorite Web Site: The New Mousepad How did you find me?: From my Guestbook | Comments: I love your pages! They're awesome. Congrats on getting your reindeer picked by vikimouse! You have good taste in where you get your graphics (I get most of mine at the same place). Thank you for signing my guestbook too. Have a Merry Christmas or Ha py Hannukah or Happy Kawanza or whatever you celebrate! :) |
Amanda - 12/21/97 02:00:29 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~amchan/index.html My Email:adchan@rconnect.com Favorite Web Site: The Mousepad How did you find me?: From the Mousepad | Comments: I love your reindeer! They're awesome! I hope you'll visit my reindeer. |
The Shia's - 12/20/97 02:31:54 My Email:dshia@juno.com How did you find me?: over the river and thru the woods... | Comments: Hello! We finally made it to your famous homepage...and it's great!!!!You could start a business. We've enjoyed visiting with you.Trevor's school photo is cool, so grown up! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!!!!!!!!!! |
Susanne - 12/20/97 02:23:55 My URL:http://www.nls.net/mp/susanne My Email:susanne@nls.net | Comments: Congrats Bette... Your expertise is only surpassed by your friendship and character! The award was truly deserved!!! |
Homer the Reindeer - 12/18/97 03:04:17 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/4915 My Email:Dreyf2@email.msn.com Favorite Web Site: Mine of course....silly deer How did you find me?: All the other reindeer said you were hanging out here. | Comments: I love your site...It looks like you guys (ummm, sorry Olive) and gals...are having a great time. I was just hanging out till we found out about the chosen 8, and decided to stop in and meet the gang. come visit me when you can...I get cookies or apples (my choice) at about noon everyday...stop in for a snack! Hope to see you on the big night! (I'll keep my hooves crossed for you if you do the same for me!) |
early - 12/09/97 15:24:11 My Email:sis9911@aol.com | Comments: LB your page is "awesome" I just spent almost an hour here and enjoyed every minute of it. |
TonyR - 12/07/97 15:14:39 My Email:aravella@um,something.com Favorite Web Site: RichardsRealm How did you find me?: I did a search for "venison" | Comments: hmmm, maybe I better not.This will be posted for public viewing. |
Debi Carlson - 12/06/97 05:20:23 My Email:SkyCactus@aol.com How did you find me?: Geri | Comments: Really KEWL homepage....I really enjoyed it very much....thank you :) |
luvjones99 - 11/24/97 08:02:02 My Email:luvjones99@aol.com How did you find me?: Word on the street.. | Comments: Love your page! Now I feel in the hoilday mood.. All warm and fuzzy inside..No, wait, I think that's a bladder infection.. That aside, it really is a beautiful page... |
Geri "areurede" - 11/21/97 21:32:50 My URL:/heartland/plains/9141 My Email:areurede@mindless.com Favorite Web Site: mine and yours! are there any others? How did you find me?: dunno...usually I am the one lost...maybe you found me. | Comments: As everything you do......it's perfection!! I had lots of fun here... HoHoHo and Merry Christmas to you and your family.... |
Michael - 11/21/97 14:48:57 My Email:msh92@ibm.net Favorite Web Site: yours How did you find me?: guess | Comments: Super page... of course I'm prejudiced!! |
Bud - 11/21/97 03:44:30 My Email:budbowl299@aol.com Favorite Web Site: this one and my wife's (areurede) How did you find me?: wife told me | Comments: This page is really nice, and considering I am in 80 degree weather, we need all the Christmas spirit we can get! Good job, I loved it. Happy Holidays to you and your family. |
Jessie - 11/21/97 02:39:11 My Email:Jessie1720@aol.com Favorite Web Site: this one How did you find me?: Geri told me!! | Comments: This is wonderful!!! I loved it, boy have you working hard. Merry Christmas to you. Talk to you soon. |
TD^Bear - 11/21/97 01:27:53 My Email:tigger4598@aol.com Favorite Web Site: Not telling How did you find me?: You told me to come here...:-)) | Comments: Bette....A truly wonderful site....but nothing more than your normal high standards.....it is even putting an old "grizzly" like me in the mood for Christmas.....may the season bring you and your family everything you wish for....but if nothing else may i bring you happiness....love Bear |
TD^Bear - 11/21/97 00:58:06 My Email:tigger4598@aol.com Favorite Web Site: Not telling How did you find me?: You told me to come here...:-)) | Comments: Bette....A truly wonderful site....but nothing more than your normal high standards.....it is even putting an old "grizzly" like me in the mood for Christmas.....may the season bring you and your family everything you wish for....but if nothing else may i bring you happiness....love Bear |
Guess - 11/20/97 21:28:19 | Comments: Happy Holidays!!!! |
Sue - 10/09/97 05:11:52 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/9376 My Email:dobies@kanservu.ca | Comments:![]() |
Giles Barton - 10/04/97 23:22:42 My Email:blades1@erols.com | Comments: This is looking really good LB, hope you and your clan are ok....take it easy. |
^^Heracles^^ - 09/29/97 12:37:26 My URL:http://www2.prestel.co.uk/hercules My Email:heracles@hercules.prestel.co.uk Favorite Web Site: This one of course How did you find me?: Cos you're famous... | Comments: Great site LB just as everyone has told ya already... I love the background... great marble effect Speak to you soon... Richard :o) |
Belle214 - 08/17/97 01:24:29 My Email:Belle214@worldnet.att.net How did you find me?: I asked for your addy! lol | Comments: I think your pages are terrific. VERY nicely done...lovely. I can't get over those stones! You say you're not artistic? They're beautiful and you are very talented. Will be looking for your future projects. Hugggs |
areurede - 08/08/97 05:02:41 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/9141 My Email:areuredee@aol.com Favorite Web Site: I already told you...yours and mine! How did you find me?: shhhh..it's a secret.. I promised not to tell | Comments: I just love to come back here and visit.. and of course read what Tony wrote!! See you later.... ¦¬) |
Brian Thomas - 07/28/97 03:49:35 My URL:http://www.execpc.com/~garyt/blt.htm Favorite Web Site: your's of course How did you find me?: another guestbook | Comments: If I had to use one word to describe your site, it would have to be excellence. NWO 4 LIFE |
Jessie - 07/24/97 02:39:10 My Email:Jessie1720@aol.com Favorite Web Site: THIS ONE | Comments: Those stones are absolutly beautiful. I have never seen anything quite like them. Sorry but I had to come back and tell you how much I loved them. Amazing, really!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jessie |
Jessie - 07/24/97 02:12:33 My URL:http://???????? My Email:Jessie1720@aol.com Favorite Web Site: ?????????????? | Comments: Littlebit, How very pretty. I love quilts, my grandmother use to make them. I cherrish the ones I have. I have not checked it all out, but I will. I wanted to sign your book first. Thanks for showing it to me. Jessie |
minnie/zona - 07/22/97 05:48:40 My Email:jlaw@c2i2.com How did you find me?: mirc | Comments: your webpage is really great! but i'm more impressed with those stones...i have never seen anything like that!!! |
Mary Jane Fisher - 07/22/97 04:13:53 My URL:http://www.flash.net/~mjfalgae My Email:mjfalgae@flash.net Favorite Web Site: http://www.celltech.com How did you find me?: you told me | Comments: Really pretty ! Nice job Little bit. Ever thought about helping irc chat pals design theirs? Hint. |
Linda - 07/21/97 13:45:07 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9939 My Email:larenteg@mnsi.net Favorite Web Site: All of them How did you find me?: Geocities | Comments: Great page |
The Overlord Wil Ryder - 07/19/97 04:29:17 My Email:Lord Wil55@aol.com Favorite Web Site: Invalid Request How did you find me?: You came into the Suite | Comments: This is a cool page. Like the samples of your work too. Maybe I'll get ya t' do some glass for me eh? |
^Fanatic^ - 07/17/97 00:55:16 My Email:Fanatic-1@worldnet.att.net Favorite Web Site: Yours of course!! (lol) How did you find me?: Went looking! | Came right here to sign. You said I hadn't last time, so here I am! Gonna go look at rest of the page; so far it looks great! After looking at the projects part, I'm really impressed,your attention to detail, and color perception is terif ic! Keep up the good work! |
Tony aka: "brb boy" - 07/16/97 23:35:33 My URL:http://www.biteME®.com My Email:aravella@villagenet.com Favorite Web Site: ummm, is this secure site? How did you find me?: I did a word search on YAhoo..KEY WORD:"PORN" | Comments: hmmm, let me see..I think it is very "nice & pretty" which does absolutly nothing for me cause I like "nasty & ugly"..bu maybe...just maybe one day if and when I grow up I will pick this as a favorite!!....seeya later. PS: Anyone reading this and saying "this guy is an idiot"...your late, I have been saying that for years...so Bite Me®!! |
Speed - 07/16/97 14:39:42 My Email:TSH92@ibm.net Favorite Web Site: Yours How did you find me?: on your sys | Comments: |
TD^Bear - 07/16/97 05:03:40 My Email:Tigger4598@aol.com Favorite Web Site: This one! How did you find me?: You kept telling me!! | Comments: A won erful place to come for some interesting things and some peace and quiet.....well done LB...:-))) |
areurede - 07/16/97 02:11:03 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/9141 My Email:areuredee@aol.com Favorite Web Site: yours..and mine...of course!!! How did you find me?: Just got lucky to have you for a friend (s) | Comments: The pages are as wonderful as you!!! Keep up the good work!! I will be back on a regular basis to visit and run your counter up!! Huggs to you and your family.. |