Hello and welcome to our little piece of cyberspace here on Dotcom Street. We are Jimmy and Donna, aka Mudcat and Momma Grant. We have two kids, Janet, 25, and Brian, 22. We live in Sherman, Tx, which is about an hour north of Dallas. We attend Pecan Grove Church, which is an independent, Bible believing, Christ honoring, grace teaching church. Janet has a baby girl, named Jaelynn, who is 3 and half years old and a six year old step daughter named Breann. Janet has just recently gotten married to a fine young feller named Bryan. Donna and Janet work for an insurance company. Brian is a senior at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Son-in-law Bryan drives a truck for Dr. Pepper. I work for the local Meals-on-Wheels program. Check out some of the sites on our Page o' Links and please don't forget to sign our Guestbook. Thanks.

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