Some nice people I've met
She's a great lady, loads of fun to talk to She has a wonderful
personality and a great sense of humor. I appreciate her honest opinions and all the help she's given me
with my home page...*S*
I've only had the pleasure to talk with her a few times, she's
IDJUT's daughter-in-law, and a nice person...I'm sure I'd get to talk with her more often
if I could get ICQ to stop disconnecting...*L*
I can't say enough about him! He's a true friend and a wonderful
person...*warm smiles* I would love to see some of the things he's seen and see them the
way he does...I miss our long, late-night talks!!*Wondering where he is and how he's doing* *tear*
Welsh Witch
She is a sweet lady and it's always a pleasure to see her. She's always friendly to everyone in the room with her and loads of fun!!...*S*
She is a nice person and alot of fun to talk with...One of the first people I met
while chatting at Thirtysomething, She helped me feel welcome and taught me how to have fun in 30's...*S* Do you remember how nervous you were the first time???
Over the past few months, we've become good friends. He is a wonderful person and I
will always cherish his friendship. He's also the first person
I met in a chat room with kes. He taught me what true friendship is about and I'm glad we met...*S* *I'll have a
He is such a wonderful person and has become a very close friend. I will always think of
him as a true RT friend. We've been friends for 3 years although it seems as though I've known him forever...
To my ferocious friend...Thanks for always being there for me and sharing so much of yourself, I know how hard it is to understand online friendships but you've helped me realize the friends you meet here will be friends forever and you're only a keyboard away...*S*
She's a friend of the family and also a fun person. Her first time chatting at Thirtysomething,
she was at my house visiting...What an experience that was!!! *LMBO* *EWG* I don't think sharing all the details would be appropriate?! *L*
He's a nice guy...always willing to help when you need it. He's one of the first people I met at
Thirtysomething...Without him, I wouldn't have e-mail...*S*
She's a nice lady. Thanks for all your help with Powwow, even though I still can't get that
darn thing to work right!...*L*
He always makes me laugh! It's always nice to see him in 30's, even though I don't get there much anymore. *pout* When I do visit once in a while he's one of the first people I say hello to.
She's such a nice lady and always willing to lend an ear...I've only had the pleasure a few times, but she made me feel welcome
and always talks with everyone so they feel at home...*S*
He's a very funny guy...There seems to be no end to his witt! A great person to talk with and alot of fun. I
have an extra clothespin if you ever need one...One of my favorite nights in 30' will stay with me for a long time.
Deviant Mind
Although I haven't bumped into him in a while, I'm glad to have met him! He's a real deviant...
also alot of fun.*whispering* I don't want to hurt his reputation, but he's also a nice guy...*S*
What a nice person! I always have a good time talking with him...*S* I also love his interesting questions!"I'm really leaving this time and I'm not answering EVERY question!!* *blushing* *L*
Peter Pumpkin
I've only been lucky enough to talk with him once, but this guy is a blast! *handing PP a beer for the next time he
visits my HP* Hope he escapes with his sanity! Good luck!! And thanks for the pictures! *S*
A new friend and sweetheart! She is a wonderful and thoughtful person...if you have met her in 30's I'm sure you already know this...*S*
UPDATE...We've been friends now for over 3 years...WOW has it been that long!? She doesn't visit homepages too often but for everyone else that sees this...She has helped me through alot and has always been there for me when I need someone to talk to. And I'm sure she knows she can always count on me for the same! *hugs for a great friend* I hope everyone that reads this has had the pleasure of getting to know her! I also hope she gets all the happiness in life she deserves!*S*
Nut Cruncher/Caney
With a handle like hers how can she not be a fun person?! I met her at WBS in the Lounge...She is definately a special K'er...*s* Very funny! And we have something in common...we both love to color!! *sorry Sty!* *LOL*
Whicked Wander/Wanda
Wanda is a great lady! Always tells me she missed me when I haven't been around for a few days...*s* She loves to tease me about my baseball team!! Wanda, NO!...No more on the way!! *L* Oh yeah...sorry about the moustache! *EWG*
He's a really sweet guy! I can't wait until he gets igames!! Cribbage competition!...Ready to learn what skunk really means??!! *LOL*
counce is a very nice person, I love talking to her...*s* She sends me some great jokes too! *L* Thanks counce...I can always use a good laugh!
He's a great guy and maybe sometimes misunderstood...He does do more than model for our drawings! *LOL* Haven't talked to him much lately though...*pout* Of all the dwarfs, He likes sleazy...oops, I mean sneezy the best...*L* He also looks great table top dancing! Love those tan lines...*giggle* Did you notice,Caney colors alot better than I do! *LOL*
I only met him once, but he signed my guestbook so he must be a good guy! *s* Hey, next time you come to the Lounge, don't forget the gas masks huh???! *L*
My new found cribbage buddy and friend...*s* He's alot of fun even when he loses...(all the time)*LOL* Shhh...don't tell him I told you! "skunk" is one his favorite words *giggle* Just teasing, he wins almost every time! How he does in the tournaments...well, you'll have to ask him yourself. *L* UPDATE...I haven't seen him for so long! I think over a year...Kcars if you visit my HP again sometime please e-mail me...I miss yah!! kcars' HP
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