Welcome to Teddy Bear's Gif Shop!!!

     As you will see there's lots of teddy bears. You'll find while browsing through the shop, there's a whole lot more. There's lots and lots of gifs, clipart and a few backgrounds. There's a variety things for all times of the year. For your convenience, I've also added my own HTML Color Chart. I hope you'll look around and be pleased with what you see. Please stop by often, & enjoy!!!

     Some Info: You may use my images, most of which you can find free across the internet. Should you find one that is copyrighted and is yours, please let me know and I will gladly remove it. This is a Webtv based site. So you may use them for your Email. When you get your own webpage, please upload them to it. Don't link to your webpage. These images may not be used for a "For Profit Site".



Happy Holidays Webring


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Teddy Bear's Gif Shop

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