Wishing Well's Prayer Chapel

The Angel CharityThe Angel Mercy


This page was inspired by the kind heart of Pastor Ralph. You can post a prayer at his page too. Click here for Pastor Ralph's Site: Go To This SiteChapel Of Prayers We would be lucky to have a 100 men like him, "Thank You My Friend."

This place is for posting prayer requests to the children on this site or to anyone that you may want to post a prayer for. All prayer requests will be posted as soon as possible. This is a Christian site, but all prayers may get posted. I do hold the right to edit or not post any prayer that is inapproprtate. God Bless you and may he see you through his hearts eyes. To post a prayer on this page email me here: Email Prayer Request Here


Guardian Angel Guardian Angel


My Prayer for all who enter this place

Oh Holy Father, in your most Holy Place, a moment of time I ask of your grace. A moment of time to boast of you and your glory, a moment of time in the presents of your grace. It is me, but a sinner, that is calling on Thee, will you please take a moment and listen to me, please will you hear my plea? I have many sins, more each day, I ask and I beg you to cleanse them away. Unworthy I am, but still I'll ask of Thee, your miracle of love and grace on me. Now there are many others, other than me that are in need of Thee, so let me ask for them, let me state their plea. I ask if you might that you will offer to them all you have offered me, your grace, your hope, your love and dignity. I boast to them often of all that you do, so it's for them I beseech you give them your will. Oh Father of great grace, give them all your will and offer them all that they may wish, offer them your most holy kiss. Guide them, each one and all, with the bright light of your holy face to your glory hall, guide them please Father to your most holy place. Make them a path that is wide and clear, but only if it be Thy will. I offer this prayer, as humble as it may be, in the name of my Jesus, the Christ in me, Amen to Thee.

In memory of Caled killed at age 16 in a car accident, and to his loving family.

My Son was taken from me to a world I have yet to know, To sit among the angels, and look upon us so very far below. The sparkle in his eyes, his laughter ringing in my ears, All the memories I carry in my heart, of all the past gone years. A lock of hair, a teddy bear, an old pair of tennis shoes, These tiny little treasures, will always remind me of you. I know your with our Maker now, and in a better place, No more pain and sorrow now, will you ever have to face. You left behind a brother, who needs a helping hand, To get him through this rough time, and keep him on this land. I know you want him there, to be right along side of you, But I need him a little longer, there's so much left for him to do. All I am asking for, is to keep him in your prayers, I don't want him to have to climb, those last long winding stairs. Please pray with me together, to help guide him through this test, The Power of prayer is strong and binding and nothing but the best. So pray with me daily, whenever you can, give it all you've got, God above will hear ours prayers, as long as he's in your heart.

Written by ~Unique~

My Love of My Niece, A Prayer For Michele

My God, My Father, from Heaven on High, I'm praying to you to send your Angels, To guide my niece in the fight for her life.

You gave her to us not once, but twice, For us to love, and enjoy...and our hearts, they did soar, And now I pray, for just a little while more.

I'm not praying for money, nor fortune, or fame; But for a life that means the world to me, And for that I have no shame.

I know you might need her there to be with you; But she's our little own little Angel, And we need her also here with us too.

I pray, as an aunt, a sister, a servant to you; To hear these humble words I feel in my heart, Oh please from us, do not let her depart.

She's filled our lives with happiness, no words can say; The laughter in her voice, the twinkle of her eyes, All I am asking, is for you to let her stay.

Written by ~Unique~

Dear Lord: Please be with our precious Caelhan at this difficult time in her life. You know how much we all love her and are so troubled to see her have to go through this experience again. We also know how much you love her and that nothing is coming into her life that hasn't first passed through your hands. Thank you for Caelhan's mother who has been faithful to you in teaching her children about your ways and love for them, and that you have become such a refuge for them all. We are asking for a miracle in Caelhan's life - a total healing. Because of our history with you, we know that all things are possible, that nothing is out of your reach. Please wrap your loving arms around the entire Green family, fill their lives with your presence and your peace. To you goes all the GLORY and HONOR!

Written By Sonja Iltis


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Angels At Top Of Page Are By Susan Duncan

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