How to Get a Wish PageButerfiy

What is a Wish Page?

A Wish Page is a web page, or two, that is created for a child who is sick with cancer. Each Wish Page is meant to be a reflection of the child that it represents, and is to serve as a way for each child to express themselves, and reach out to the world through the internet. Wish Pages are always FREE of charge and We will never ask for any compensation for setting up a Wish Page. It is preferred that any Wish Page that is requested from us, be a request for a child that doesn't have a web page already set up and on the internet. We have links for pages that are already on the net and we would be glad to add any cancer kid's link to those pages. The Links pages include: Prayers Page or Other Cancer Kids Links. So if your child needs a Wish page read on, if your child already has a page send me the link and I'll add it to the links pages.

What should be on a Wish Page?

1) Child's Name. (Firstname/Middlename/Nickname/Lastname)

2) Child's Age. (Date of birth would be nice too)

3) Child's Illness.(Form of Cancer)

4) Child's Picture. (Not needed but always really nice to have on the page)

5) Child's Story and/or Statements. (Anything that the child wants to say)

6) Parents Story and/or Statements. (Anything that the parent wants to say)

7) Child's Favorite Colors.(colors are for, graphics, backgrounds and Lettering)

8) Child's Favorite Internet Links. (Not needed but nice)

9) Anything else that you think of to add to a page just let us know and we'll see if it can be worked into the Wish Page.

10) Email us this information or go to the forums page and send us the information.

11) Your can Copy and Paste this list to an email and then fill in the blanks.

12) We will install a guest book on each Wish Page for the Child and the child's family. This will work as a register to keep track of guests. Guest should directed their guest book entries to the the child and/or the family of the child. We will send the page owner all the guest book information so that they can read any private messages or edit the guest books. I "Wishmaker" will only look into the books to check the entries to preserve the quality of the book for the child. We'll never read any PRIVATE messages, these are for the child and the family. If, for any reason there is a need to remove or edit a private message then email us and we will get to work on the problem.

Final Statement:

Most pages can be on-line in two days or less providing that the information you send us is complete. Please be as accurate as possible and feel free to make suggestions to make the page better. Any change that you may want to the page can be done within two days or less, we have no problems with making changes. Please Remember: There is no charge for this service! IT IS FREE! You will not pay money at anytime for this service, and we will never ever ask you to pay.

The Bottom Line:

We don't want money! We want Happy Children!

Send us a child in need

Email to Wishmaker

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