
The purpose of my home page is to be able to share my favorite web sites, kind of like keeping my bookmarks online. These are the sites that prove to be the most useful - I don't know about you, but most of the time I have so much trouble finding things that it almost becomes a lost cause. The Internet is fabulous, but only if you learn how to master it as a tool.

I am a social worker for the State of Michigan, primarily helping the elderly and disabled, but also families with children. In May of 2002, I received my Masters of Social Work from Grand Valley State University, am a member of the National Association of Social Workers, and am currently working towards my CSW certification. I serve on a statewide committee to increase cultural awareness and appreciation of diversity.  This page includes a couple of the projects I completed while working towards my degree. There are links to PowerPoint presentation that I put together on Victim-Offender Mediation and Geriatric Care Managers. I also never realized how much news and informations I wasn't getting until I started listening to NPR and reading alternative press. Humor is still the best way for me to deal with things. And finally, I have developed a strong love for travel all over the world, including Bora Bora (below - I did not take this picture but it is perfect!).


prplbll The World Wide Web Resources for Social Workers is as good as any social worker site to launch from.
prplbll The Grassroots - Social Search, Social Work Resource Locator is excellant as well.
prplbll CUSSN stands for Computer Use in Social Services Network and is one of the oldest sites for anyone and everyone involved in just about every legitimate social or human service         group.

prplbll The National site is good as is Michigan's.

prplbll  The Official State of Michigan Website has consolidated every department into this one site. You can get information or actually complete business right from home.

prplbll  Aging Network Resource Page
prplbll  Welcome to AARP Webplace
prplbll  MiSeniors.net - We Inform
prplbll  ASA Connection | The E-Newsletter of the American Society on Aging

prplbll  ABLEDATA
prplbll  disABILITY Information and Resources
prplbll  CODI Main Menu

prplbll  Childwelfare.com  Gateway to resources on the web.
prplbll  National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information

prplbll Tolerance.org
prplbll STOP the HATE.org

prplbll Welcome to GVSU: Homepage

prplbll  US State Department - Services - Travel Warnings & Consular Information Sheets I don't go anywhere outside of the USA without checking out this site first.
prplbll  MapQuest! Welcome! Still the best source of maps I have found.
prplbll  The WWW Speedtrap Registry  I am not joking - this is a site where truck driver's and others who drive for a living identify every speed trap they have ever become aware of.         They even mention what types of radar to look out for!

prplbll  your turn discussions -NPR
prplbll  MotherJones.com | Home
prplbll  Utne Reader Online: A place in cyberspace where ideas and community intersect
prplbll The Memory Hole [rescuing knowledge, freeing information]

cool HUMOR
prplbll  The Bob & Tom Show Across America To me, this is the finest way to start a day but beware, chances are very good you will get a song stuck in your head for a day or two!
prplbll  kissthisguy.com -+- The Archive of Misheard Lyrics This site has not only given me the giggles but has also set me straight more than once.

prplbll  The Absolute BEST mega-search engine I have ever used is.....don't laugh....Dogpile. It sends your inquiry through at least 15 different datebases including Google and Yahoo. It            doesn't matter if I am researching for a paper or looking for something on a lark, I Always find it through Dogpile.
prplbll  Welcome to CNET.COM One of the original sites for information regarding Anything  relating to the Internet and computers in general, including reviews of software, new products and cheat codes for games!
prplbll  Wired News News of amazing, ground-breaking electronic developments in anything from computers to prosthetics.

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