Military Information

Colonial Militia Revolutionary War War of 1812
Mexican-American War Civil War Black Hawk War
Spanish-American War World War I World War II
Korean War Vietnam War  

U.S. Army Historical Register, 1789-1903, Vol. 2
Kidd, William, 2 lt 2 inf, 27 June 1862, Gaines Mill Va, wounded; 2 lt 2 inf, 30 Aug 1862, Bull Run Va, killed.
Kidd, John K., 1 lt 1 Ohio inf.
Kidd, James H., col 6 Mich cav.
Kidd, Emmett L., capt 1 La inf.
Kidd, Meredith H., lt col 11 Ind cav.
Kidd, Meredith H., 14 Ind batty.
Kidd, Earle E., 2 lt 1 La inf.
Kidd, William S. - 1892-1896. Troubles with renegade Apache Indians, under Kidd and Massai, in Arizona

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