Kidd Konnections

Early Kidds Arrival To The New World

In the New World (America), some of the first migrants which could be considered kinsmen of the family name Kidd, and their spelling variants were: Roger Kidd, who settled in Virginia in 1624; Thomas Kidd from Soham, England settled in Virginia in 1648; Sarah Kidd settled in Charles Town, South Caroline in 1722; Charles, James and William Kidd add settled in Philadelphia between 1843 and 1866; James Kyd arrived in Philadelphia in 1869.

During the American War of Independence those that remained loyal to the Crown moved north into Canada and they became known as the United Empire Loyalist.

As stated previously, Roger Kidd was the first recorded Kidd in Virginia, according to a Muster of inhabitants of the ‘Parbehays' and ‘Maine', taken on 30th Jan. 1624, his age was listed as 24 when the muster was taken.

Roger Kidd had been listed a year before as those among the living on the ship ‘George' on 16 Feb 1623. Both the ‘George' and ‘Maine' were ships owned by the Corporation of James City.

NOTE: from Bill Kidd of Richmond, Va. Roger Kidd was a servant to Robert Scotchmore, sailed to Virginia from London board the ‘George', he died there in 1632. He had neither a wife or issues. An inventory of his assets at the time of death was one bushel of corn and one of peas. He may have had more but his peers relieve him of it and there was no one to protest.

There were other Kidd's that came to Virginia during in 1600's, one of these Kidd's was a William, who was sponsored by William Harper on February 20, 1663, supposedly he was the famous Captain William John Kidd, the above date would coincide with the birth of Captain William John Kidd who was born in the year of 1645.

Also there is a story passed down from one generation to another about three KIDD brothers in Dublin, Ireland, who emigrated to the Virginia Colony sometime in the late 1600's pr early 1700's.

These three brothers had only enough money to pay the steerage passage fare for two passengers, therefore, one brother became a successful stowaway, and all three brothers arrived.

Those three brothers settled in Virginia, their offsprings into Tennessee, Georgia and the Carolina's.

On 17 Oct 1670, Timothy Kidd came to Lancaster Co., Virginia as an indentured servants of George Mott. Nothing was heard from Timothy Kidd after that date.

On 15 Dec 1673, a second Thomas Kidd came to Virginia. This Thomas Kidd's transportation was paid fro by Andrew Davis, John Webb, and John Langworth for a grant on the Southeast died at Machumps Creek on the South side of the York River in New Kent Co., Virginia.

NOTE: Maybe this is where the Webb Kidd line was from.

The relationship, if any between this Thomas Kidd in New Kent Co. and the Thomas Kidd in Middlesex Co. Is unknown. This area of New Kent Co. is in the same area as that grant which brought William Kidd in 1633.

A James Kidd arrived to New Kent Co. on 20 April 1687 in the Pomunky neck area. William Mallory provided for the transportation of this James Kidd to Virginia. The relationship, if any between this James Kidd and any other Kidds is unknown.

A James Kidd received a land grant of 290 acres dated 10 Sept 1760, lying and being of 290 acres dated 10 Sept 1760, lying and being on the north side of Slate River, and adjoining the lands of Edward Keisie. At the time of the land Patent, this land was within Albemarle Co., Virginia, but with the disintegration of the original boundaries of Albemarle in 1766, the land now lies in Buckingham Co., on the old maps, there is a place on the slate River named "Kidd Falls" it is near Arvonia, Virginia.

Passenger and Immigration List Index
n.a. = No Age
p. 1087:
Kid, Alexander n.a.; New England, 1718
Kid, Alexander n.a.; New Hampshire, 1718
Kid, John n.a.; Philadelphia, PA, 1833
Kidd, Robert n.a.; Philadelphia, PA, 1798
Kid, Roger n.a.; Virginia 1623
Kid, Thomas F. n.a. Philadelphia, PA, 1814
Kid, William n.a.; Boston, Mass, 1765
Kidd, Adam n.a.; Philadelphia, PA, 1798
Kidd, Alex n.a.; Virginia and /or Jamaica, 1716
Kidd, Ann n.a.; Potomack, MD, 1731
Kidd, Archibalc 20; New York, NY 1803
Kidd, C. n.a.; San Francisco, CA, 1853
Kidd, Charles J., n.a.; Philadelphia, PA, 1866
Kidd, Edwards 23; New York, NY, 1820
Kidd, James n.a.; Philadelphia, PA, 1867.
Kidd, James n.a.' Philadelphia, PA 1868
Kidd, John n.a.; Philadelphia, PA 1841
Kidd, Neha 20; New York, NY 1803
Kidd, Robert 22, Charleston, SC 1822
Kidd, Roger 24; Virginia, 1623
Kidd, Sarah n.a. Charles Town, SC, 1772
Kidd, Thos. n.a.; Virginia, 1648
Kidd, Thomas F. n.a.; New York, NY 1820
Kidd, William n.a.; Philadelphia, PA 1843
Kidd, Wm. K. 26; New York, NY 1822

Thomas Kidd, Immigrant
Doubts About Thomas
Middlesex Co., Va. Records