Index. Search for last names beginning with:
Summary of Principal Events
Operations in North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia; August 20, 1862 - June 3, 1863.
extracted from: Manarin, L.H., North Carolina Troops 1861-'65; Raleigh, 1966.
This is a document written by the regiment adjutant, John H. Robinson, in 1901, listing the movements of the regiment during the war. There are quite a few pages to this document, so I have divided it into easy to load pieces.
"Company"[Surname begins with]
If I could do something like this for John Parker!!! This is a great document on the 52nd Regiment, and includes, along with the travelogue, some letters from Archibald Nixon, of Company G, Dry Pond Dixies, to his wife Susannah and their family. Written by Richard M. Painter
If you have an ancestor that served with the 52nd Regiment N.C. Troops, please email me and let me know.
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