I personally prefer to relax in front of my computer, enjoying the company of my online friends. I use my time mostly to chat. I can usually be found in the Bay Area room in the Regional section of Yahoo Chat. I have made many friends there, and if you don't mind, I would like to name a few:
I have a few
programs that I am fond of, and I would like to share them with you.
One that I really enjoy is ICQ.
If you have not heard
of it, it is an independant chat/message program that allows you to send
files and URLs as well. I love it.
My other recommendation
is EliaShim's VirusWeb. It
is a program that lets you download through it as it scans your downloads
for viruses before you ever put them
on your system. I recommend it for anyone who downloads a lot of
stuff off of the internet.
Well, I guess that's all there is for now. Be sure and let me know you were here. You can either Mail me, or, as I prefer, you can leave an entry on my Guestbook.
Thanks for
stopping by, and have a great one : )