Calibelle's welcome banner


    My name is Connie, and this in my page.  I live with my husband and 2 kids at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri.
We enjoy it here very much.  My son is involved in Boy Scouts, and he loves the Lego and Nickelodeon sites on the net.  My daughter is very into gymnastics, but her favorite sites are Tamagotchi and the Amazing Travel Bureau at the National Geographic page.  My husband works as a carpenter for a living, but he finds some crazy ways to unwind.  My personal not-favorite is hispassion for Skydiving.

    I personally prefer to relax in front of my computer, enjoying the company of my online friends.  I use my time mostly to chat. I can usually be found in the Bay Area room in the Regional section of Yahoo Chat. I have made many friends there, and if you don't mind, I would like to name a few:


    I have a few programs that I am fond of, and I would like to share them with you.  One that I really enjoy is ICQ.  If you have not heard of it, it is an independant chat/message program that allows you to send files and URLs as well.  I love it.
    My other recommendation is EliaShim's VirusWeb.  It is a program that lets you download through it as it scans your downloads for viruses before you ever put them on your system.  I recommend it for anyone who downloads a lot of stuff off of the internet.

    Well, I guess that's all there is for now.  Be sure and let me know you were here.  You can either Mail me, or, as I prefer, you can leave an entry on my Guestbook.

    Thanks for stopping by, and have a great one : )


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