Still Waters
Recommended Reading
| MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST by Oswald Chambers: An indispensable devotional for the Christian who yearns to drink deeply and long at the well of profound and inspirational thought. |
| STREAMS IN THE DESERT by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman: Devotionals that will touch you where you live. |
| CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE by Richard J. Foster: Foster discusses the disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, guidance, and celebration. A MUST READ if you're serious about spiritual growth. |
 | INTIMATE MOMENTS WITH THE SAVIOR by Ken Gire: "A devotional tapestry, richly woven from threads of Scripture, meditation, and prayer. It captures the intimate moments Jesus spent with individuals and how those moments forever changed their lives." |
 | INSTRUCTIVE MOMENTS WITH THE SAVIOR: "Ken Gire takes a warm and intimate look at the parables of Jesus." |
 | INCREDIBLE MOMENTS WITH THE SAVIOR by Ken Gire "You will see His glory poured out not upon prophets or priests or Pharisees, but rather upon the most unlikely of recipients--the burdened, the bewildered, and the bereaved." |
 | NO WONDER THEY CALL HIM THE SAVIOR by Max Lucado: Chronicles of the Cross |
 | GOD CAME NEAR by Max Lucado: "God is the one who can restore focus to your blurred vision, rekindle the fire of prayers gone cold, and steady your trembling faith. Once you have caught a glimpse of His majesty, you will never be the same again." |
Music to grow by
In memory of a beautiful child of God and a master musician: Rich Mullins 10/21/55-9/19/97 |  |
 | THE FAITHFUL by Steve Green: Masterful orchestrations accompany Steve's heart in voice. |
 | A LITURGY, A LEGACY & A RAGAMUFFIN BAND by Rich Mullins: The Creed taught me what the church, in five decades, could not. Incomparable Rich. |
 | WINDS OF HEAVEN...STUFF OF EARTH by Rich Mullins: Includes the awesome "Awesome God." |
 | HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE MESSIAH by an All-Star Orchestra If you don't have time to listen to the whole production, this is for you. |
 | THE NEW YOUNG MESSIAH by Va-New Young Messiah Great artists giving you a new, young classic. |