In Memory Of The Lives Lost Sept. 11, 2001

"My Treasured Family"
What a wonderful surprise I got this summer from my children!!!! When they were little and would do something that I wasn't supposed to know about, somehow sooner or later it would slip out and I would have to play dumb and pretend I didn't know a thing when the time would come, but let me tell you, this was one well kept secret by all, including the grandkids, and I got the surprise of my life. I had just been thinking to myself recently that I would give anything if all my kids could get together again as it had been over 10 years since two of the boys had even seen each other. Well, later that day it happened. My oldest son Jeff and his family were coming up to pick me up for a little "vacation" trip with them and my middle son, Ernie, and his family had been here to help me do some "honey do's" all week and they were leaving to go back home to Tennessee. We said our goodbye's to them and a little later I left with Jeff and his family, really not as excited about going "Just To Jacksonville" as I should have been. We got there and were getting settled in when there was a knock on the door. I was asked to answer the door as the rest were all piled up on the couch "acting" comfy watching TV. Well.........I opened the door thinking it was room service or something and much to my surprise, there stood all the rest of my children and grandkids, with the exception of Andrea and Pat, who just couldn't make it. There was Larry, that was working in Orlando, I thought. Linda and her son Bobby, all the way from Islamorada and Ernie, Betty and Amanda, that I thought were on their way back home. I WAS IN TOTAL SHOCK!!!!! The teeniest feather could have knocked me over, but that was the best surprise I have ever had in my entire lifetime. We all had a wonderful three days together and Linda had made shirts for all of us to wear with all of their names on it which are so cute with each name being a little dog, of course. I left there with a beautiful memory book of pictures from our past to the present, that was so well put together by my daughter-in-law Denise, and so many great happy memories that I will never forget. Even Larry's little gift of the stinkbomb, :)))). Believe me, it is still like a dream come true and one that I will never forget.
I just wanted to share some of the pictures of the happy moments we had and I am planning on the 2nd annual family reunion next year already. Are you listening kids????
I love you all and thank you for such a wonderful surprise and a great time!!!!!!

"Let Us Not Forget To Count Our Blessings"

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This is where it all began, so come on in and see the pages of our family and some of the fun we had.